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ID: 2276

Pittman, S. 2016. 2015 Trinity River sediment transport monitoring final report. Report for the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP). GMA Hydrology, Placerville, California. Available:

NOTE: tabular data is included with the data package at From the Executive Summary: "Measurements of sediment transport (bedload and suspended sediment concentration) were collected at four locations (stations) during a high flow dam release on the Trinity River in May 2015. Water Year 2015 was a “Dry” water year type as classified by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). Typical for a Dry Year, 453,000 acre feet of Trinity River water were allocated for restoration releases. The resulting hydrograph included a two-day peak 8,500 cfs flow bench, representing a new strategy for a “Dry” water year. Water Year 2015 was the 11th year monitored under the auspices of the Trinity River Restoration program since 2004. 2007, 2009 and 2013 were also Dry water years. By comparison, the 2011 Spring Flow Release provided the highest flow release yet made by the program: 11,600 cfs peak flow (a Wet Year with an allocation of 701,000 acre feet)."

This file was amended in 2019 to add missing pages to the appendices.

First Posted: 2016-04-01 08:48:14

Post Updated: 2019-08-28 18:57:54