The TRRP, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, Shasta-Trinity National Forest – U.S. Forest Service (federal agencies), and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board – state lead agency) propose to construct the Dutch Creek project the summer of 2020. The Dutch Creek channel rehabilitation restoration site is located five miles south (upstream) of Junction City. The site is accessed from Dutch Creek Road from the intersection with State Route 299 at Junction City to Evans Bar Road and on Forest Service motorized trails 10W16 and 10W16a.
The project area boundary and the environmental study limit for project-related biological surveys is 155 acres which includes 48 acres of National Forest System (NFS) lands and 32 acres of BLM land along the Trinity River.
The purpose of the project is to increase salmon and steelhead habitat downstream of Lewiston Dam. The proposed project is designed to enhance both terrestrial and aquatic habitat quality. In-river work will increase habitat complexity via construction of slow water refuge habitats (e.g. side channels), re-connecting the river with its floodplains, and placement of in-river geomorphic and habitat features (e.g. rock and wood structures). On-shore work will include revegetation of riparian and upland areas with native vegetation.

Site of the proposed Dutch Creek channel rehabilitation project photographed in the summer 2015 by Kenneth DeCamp.
Further Information:
- Signed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) (pdf)
- Updated Environmental Assessment / Initial Study (EA/IS)
- Dutch Creek Proposed Activites Map
- Search TRRP online library for “Dutch Creek”
- Aerial photography: [1944], [1960], [1980], [2016] (other years available – note controls at bottom of screen)