The Language of Sediment

Rivers are dynamic ecosystems shaped by multiple interacting and overlapping physical and biological processes. A fundamental aspect of a river’s ecology is sediment, which is the foundational underpinnings of habitats, influence for water quality, and support for wildlife. In this article, we explore terminology and features of Trinity River sediments, the building blocks of our river system.

What is Sediment?

Although it might seem obvious, all sizes of rocks fit into the larger family of sediments. Sediments are inorganic particulates that can be transported by water, wind, or ice and deposited and perhaps stored for long periods of time in a particular location. In rivers, sediment is further classified according to its diameter and composition:

  • Clay (Particles smaller than 0.002 mm): Clay transports while suspended in the water column and when deposited can store nutrients aiding the growth of biology when organics chemically bind to individual clay particles.
  • Silt (Particles 0.002 mm to 0.063 mm): Silt also transports suspended in the water column and can affect light penetration and aquatic plant growth, just as clay particles do. Clays and silts that cloud the water also provide cover for fish, which use the cloudy water as protection from predators and tend to survive at higher rates when available intermittently.
  • Sand (Particles 0.063 mm to 2 mm): Sand provides a medium for plants to establish and grow. This sediment type provides rearing habitat for juvenile lamprey when located in deposits below large rocks or trees, and acts as a filter to benefit water quality when deposited between gravel particles.
  • Gravel (Particles 2 mm to 64 mm): Ranging from the size of a small blueberry to a large kiwi, gravel offers essential spawning grounds for fish and invertebrates.
  • Cobble (Particles 64 mm to 128 mm): About the size of an orange, cobbles are the framework for bar deposits in river systems. When settled they form a surface that is difficult to mobilize from and creates roughness that encourages small particles to deposit on top of them. While waters flow over through and under these habitat formations the sediments caught provide a diversity of flow in depth and velocity which species depend on in streams.
  • Boulders (Rocks larger than 128 mm): These create physical barriers in rivers that help form log jams, leading to diverse flow patterns and detailed habitats for a range of organisms.

Sources of Sediment in River Systems

Fine sediments entering the confluence of the North Fork and the East Fork North Fork after rain dropped on the the Monument Fire scar in July 2023.

Sediment can enter river systems through multiple processes, each contributing to the overall sediment dynamics and ecology of the river. Key sources of sediment include:

  • Erosion: As water flows over land soil and rock can move with it. Depending on the landscape and the soil content these sediments can be delivered to rivers, especially during heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt.
  • Runoff: Rain and melting snow can wash fine sediments from forests, fields, urban areas, roads, and construction sites into nearby streams and rivers.
  • Bank Collapse: Riverbanks can be eroded by the current of flowing water, particularly in areas with high flow velocities, resulting in banks collapsing directly into the water.
  • Tributary Inputs: Creeks can contribute sediment as they flow into larger rivers, contributing sediments from their own drainage basins.
  • Human Activities: Construction, mining, and land clearing can disturb soil and rock, increasing sediment loads in nearby rivers. Deforestation can also enhance erosion rates when tree roots are damaged or destroyed, leading to hillslope failures into streams.
  • Natural Events: Floods, landslides, wildfires and volcanic eruptions can rapidly introduce large amounts of sediment into river systems, altering habitats and turbidity.
  • Aquatic Organisms: Organisms can influence sediment storage by building dams (beavers) or webs between gravels to capture food and fines (net-spinning caddisfly). Organisms can also mobilize sediment when building nests (salmon) or grazing for food, such as crayfish winnowing fine sediments from amongst gravels.

Pool and Riffle Dynamics

MinuteEarth – Why do Rivers Curve?

When the slope of a river is greater than 2 percent, water moves quickly over rocks and other obstacles creating rumbling mountain streams. Moving downstream as the valley walls open and slope decreases a pool and riffle river system will form. The creation of alternating river bends is based on physical obstacles along the river’s path and water velocity which will form deep (pools) and shallow (riffles). The dynamic plays a crucial role in the movement and storage of sediment as the river runs its course to the ocean. A few key terms:

  • Pools: Pools are deep areas of the river that form over time with flow velocity that scours (or digs) small unstable sediments from the area. Pools offer dynamic habitat during different times of the year that include a varied temperature column in the summer months when waters slow within the river. In winter, during high flows, pools are areas where faster water occurs. The increase in speed in pools relative to their companion riffles is what is responsible for pools scouring to depths found in summer.
  • Riffles: During lower flows that occur in late spring through fall, faster currents are found in riffles because the water surface is steeper on them. Riffles are nursery areas for macroinvertebrates and help oxygenate the water and benefit species that thrive in turbulent conditions. High flows in winter that scour pools deposit sediments from the scour on riffles downstream, and in this way a pool-riffle sequence of habitats is formed and maintained on alluvial rivers.

Salmon and Sediment Interaction


Salmon are a keystone species in freshwater ecosystems, and their interaction with sediment is crucial for their lifecycle. During spawning, female salmon seek out gravel beds on riffles and near the streams banks to lay their eggs. These gravel beds, composed of appropriately sized sediment, are essential because they provide the necessary water flow to provide oxygen to fertilized eggs, ensuring their development to the fry stage.

Additionally, the composition and stability of sediment in spawning areas can influence the quality of habitat available for juvenile salmon. Fine sediments, often stirred up during high flow events, can cover spawning habitats, suffocating eggs and reducing the overall success of salmon populations when fines are overly present.

However, Trinity River geomorphologists are learning that too few fines also pose survival risks to salmon. When spaces between gravels where eggs are spawned are left open, turbulence is created through flow within the salmon nest and can jiggle eggs causing abrasion to the egg membrane, leading to mortality. Too few fines can also cause surface flows in a river to be conveyed entirely through a bar, sieving off the juvenile salmon onto dry bar surfaces for predation by birds.

Join us Feb. 26 for Science on Tap featuring Dr. Todd Buxton for “Fine Sediment in the Trinity River: History, effects, and current Impacts”

Maintaining a balanced sediment regime within pool and riffle systems is essential not only for river ecology but also for the conservation of salmon, whose life cycles are intricately tied to the health of their sediment-rich habitats. As we learn more about these systems, it becomes increasingly important to recognize how sediment influences river health and ecology, guiding conservation efforts to ensure the survival of these vital ecosystems.

We invite you to join us Wednesday, Feb. 26 for Science on Tap! Dr. Todd Buxton will dive into Trinity River Fine Sediment, history, effects and current impacts. The event is held at the Trinity County Brewing Company and starts at 6pm.

Featured Article: The Language of Flow

Rivers are vital parts of our ecosystems, and they behave differently depending on the climate they flow through. In a Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by hot, dry summers and variable, wet winters, river flow can be particularly interesting. Let’s explore some important terms and concepts related to river flow that is represented in our unique climate and system.

John Hubbel

What is River Flow?

At its most basic, river flow, or discharge, is the volume of water that moves through a river over a specific period of time. On the Trinity River, flow is typically measured in cubic feet per second (CFS). Currently flow rates are measured in a few locations above and below Trinity and Lewiston Dams. Discharge on the Trinity River at Lewiston has been measured daily since 1911, when Model T’s were just rolling off of the assembly line!

There are very few rivers in California that experience full natural flow. Most Northern California rivers are managed through dams that generate power, create water diversions, or hold back water for later use. Dams block upstream deposits of water, wood and sediment and when managed narrowly have caused significant harm to riverine ecology downstream.

Understanding river flow both pre-dam and post-dam helps river ecologists to compare current management with the pre-dam natural conditions that species and their ecology developed within. This strategy aims to deepen understanding of the natural environment to provide favorable conditions for plants, wildlife, and people that depend on the river.

Why is River Flow Important?

The Trinity River’s flow is crucial for many reasons:

  • Ecosystems: Flow influences the types of plants and animals that live in and around the river.
  • Water Supply: The Trinity River provides drinking water, supports economic development, supplies irrigation for agriculture and generates power for millions of Californians.
  • Recreation: The Trinity River supports activities like fishing, boating, hiking, gold panning, wildlife viewing and swimming.

Key Terms Related to River Flow: Managed vs Natural

Natural Seasonal Flow: Although highly variable from year to year, undammed rivers in a Mediterranean climate, tend to exhibit seasonal patterns. During the rainy winter months, flow rates typically increase due to precipitation, the size and magnitude of that increase depends on seasonal patterns and the frequency of storm events. In the spring, snow in the mountains melts adding flow to the Trinity River and its watershed. Conversely, in summer, flow rates tend to slowly decrease as the dry season progresses.

Natural Base Flow: This is the normal level of water flow in a river during dry periods. It usually comes from groundwater and keeps the river flowing even when there hasn’t been rain for a while. In a Mediterranean climate, base flow can be low during the summer months due less water in the system and high evaporation rates. Baseflows are important for cold-blooded aquatic species like foothill yellow legged frogs who utilize slow water for rearing and then populate riverside riparian areas as adults.

Hydrograph: A graph that illustrates how the flow of water in a river changes over time. It shows time on the horizontal axis and the flow rate, usually measured in cubic feet per second, on the vertical axis. As the line on the graph rises, it indicates an increase in river flow (like after rain), and when it falls, it represents a decrease (such as during dry periods). Hydrographs are important for managing water resources, studying weather patterns as well and ensuring that environmental flow needs are met in regulated river systems.

Natural Surface Runoff: After it rains, water flows over the land and enters rivers. This is known as surface runoff. Winter rains in the Trinity watershed typically lead the tributaries and the Trinity River (below Douglas City) to a spike in flow. However, the impact is highly dependent on the water year, ground saturation and snow accumulation. Surface runoff provides additional wood, leaf litter and sediment to rivers which are the building blocks for healthy habitat creation in the Trinity system.

Over-bank floods: When there is a lot of rain in a short period, rivers can overflow their banks, causing over-bank floods. On the Trinity River over-bank floods are more likely to occur during the wet season and provide important ecological functions, including to Trinity River fish. These flows improve soil quality, provide prime growing grounds for aquatic insects and other fish food and help to reset the form of the river’s main channel through scour.

Environmental Flow: Is a management term that identifies the quantity and timing of water needed to sustain the health of river ecosystems, particularly downstream from a dam. Managing environmental flow is important for maintaining habitat for Trinity River salmonids and other wildlife that depend on the river. Within the environmental flows framework there are many methods for implementation. Since 2004, the Trinity River Restoration Program’s method for environmental flows were based on functional implementation of three periods, a summer baseflow (450 CFS), a fall/winter baseflow (300 CFS), and a spring snowmelt mimic hydrograph. Since 2016 local scientists have advocated to adapt this method by adding variable flows to the wet-season months (December – April) for the benefit of growing healthier juvenile salmonids.

Recommended Periods within the Environmental Flow Timeline for Water Year 2025


1. December 15 – February 15Synchronized Storm Pulse

A dam release synchronized to a natural storm event. The release is triggered by a CNRFC forecast for the Trinity River above North Fork that rises to 4500 CFS or more. Once initiated, the release would be triggered even if the forecast is reduced. The primary purpose is to reduce redd smothering by preventing fine sediment accumulation from tributaries, to maximize the synchrony between tributaries and the mainstem of the river, as well as recondition the streambed and align the ecology for salmon food production.

2. February 16 – April 15Wet Season Flood

Depending on forecast water year type in the California Department of Water Resources February B120 forecast and whether a synchronized flow has occurred, the Program may schedule flows above baseflow in the Feb. 15 to Apr. 15 timeframe. Depending on the March B120 forecast, the schedule may be adjusted as of March 15. The primary purpose of this is to inundate floodplains for aquatic food production and habitat for juvenile salmonids at the right time of year – similar to natural wet season flooding.

3. April 16 – VariableSnowmelt Peak and Recession

The spring snowmelt peak and recession are an important annual migratory cue for both adult and juvenile chinook. The Program has implemented a spring snow-melt mimic release annually since 2004. CDWR April B120 forecast determines total volume of restoration flow releases. Water that has not been released for Storm Pulse Flows or Wet Season Flooding is scheduled for release during the Snowmelt Peak and Recession period. This schedule encompasses many purposes for river ecology and the salmonid life cycle.

4. Managed Base Flow

Baseflows released from Lewiston Dam to the Trinity River are currently managed at 450 CFS through the summer, shifting to 300 CFS on Oct 15 through the subsequent spring. This management strategy is a relic from the 1999 Flow Study and was put in place with the mindset that increasing baseflow in the summertime could help with river temperature management for migrating adult spring chinook. Flows reduce in the fall because temperature objectives are no longer needed. In addition, water managers leaned on water savings during the fall through the wet season so that accumulation in the system could be understood prior to use for diversions or river ecology. Fish biologists hypothesize that if current summer and fall management were adapted to a more natural hydrograph it may serve Trinity River salmonids and other wildlife better.

Featured Article: Flow Variability, the pulse of a river system


Prior to construction of dams on the Trinity River, flow and river temperatures were synchronized throughout the watershed with seasonal ecology. Storms and snow melt floods regularly altered the stream channel, transporting sediments, wood and rocks. Seasonally predictable disturbance helped maintain a healthy streambed and riparian forest.  Disturbance was followed by growth, with wetted areas providing consistent habitat for insects, fish and frogs alike. Even though each year provided different conditions, there was predictability with which aquatic and riverine species, like salmon, evolved to exploit.

Since the foundational 1999 Trinity River Flow Evaluation Report, more than 20 years of scientific research within the Trinity River Basin and from rivers across the world have improved outcomes for Trinity River salmonids. This wealth of new and improved knowledge has made scientists within the Program increasingly aware that changes to flow management have the potential to increase the strength and resiliency of juvenile salmonids produced in the Trinity River.


One important revelation is that elevated releases that continue through late spring and into the summer have kept water too cold for optimal juvenile salmon growth. Larger fish have a better chance of survival in the ocean, so improved flow management that can provide better temperatures for growth is likely to improve survival and subsequent adult returns. Further, Program scientists have found that the majority of young Chinook Salmon have already left the restoration reach by the time elevated spring releases provide access to restored habitats created by the Program over the last 18 years, including floodplains and side channels.

Many studies have shown that when floodplains and side channels get wet at the right time of year when juvenile salmon can use them, then they can take advantage of all the extra food that those habitats create. When fish can access important habitat, increase their food consumption, and have the right temperatures for growth, they can grow faster, get bigger, and survive better.

Recommendations for Change

Changes to Trinity River flow management to partially mimic the seasonality of natural flow were approved by the Trinity Management Council this past September. Program partners in our Flow Workgroup technical advisory committee developed a collaborative proposal that met ecological objectives and accommodated recreational considerations requested by Trinity County. The proposal also needed to adhere to existing environmental regulations.  Following the affirmative Trinity Management Council vote in September, the recommendation is now awaiting approval by the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Water Year 2025 environmental flow management is designed to partially mimic natural seasonality so that river ecology can build around flow as it did prior to dams. These managed flows do not strictly follow the natural ecology of the watershed, but rather they represent management that strikes a balance between ecological needs, water availability, and other management and infrastructure constraints. Scientists hypothesize that adding pulse flows, increasing flow in winter, and decreasing flow in the spring and summer could be beneficial to Trinity River salmonids. However, there is no recommendation for this water year to reduce minimum baseflows in summer or fall.

First Recommended Change: Synchronized Storm Pulse

The first recommended sequential change is the two-month Synchronized Storm Pulse period (December 15-February 15) where there may be one peak flow of 6,500 cubic feet per second released from Lewiston Dam timed to match a natural storm event. This synchronized flow would consist of a rapid flow increase release held for a short period then reduced to 750 cubic feet per second. A synchronized storm pulse would only be triggered if the river is predicted to be at least 4,500 cubic feet per second near the North Fork Trinity River. No synchronized release would occur if the river is not predicted to reach that level between December 15 and February 15.  

Winter storm pulses provide many ecological benefits, primarily by causing streambed disturbance. Sediments ranging in size from sand to large gravel are displaced and moved downstream, and wood in the channel can be moved or cause erosion in the channel that increases habitat diversity. Fine sediments rich in nutrients are also washed onto upland riparian areas that are typically dry. As waters recede, nutrients remain to help develop a healthy riparian community of plants and animals. For salmon, the disturbance from big powerful storms provides opportunity for small, soft-bodied bugs to proliferate, which are an excellent food source for small juvenile salmonids as they emerge from the gravel.

Pre-dam Trinity River flows at Lewiston (colored lines), and a typical normal water year flow release after 2000 (black line).

Since 1960’s, with very few exceptions, typical winter flow releases from Lewiston Dam have remained under 300 cubic feet per second. When big storms pass through, tributaries deliver trees, nutrients, and all sizes of sediment, which enter the Trinity River where flows are artificially low due to limited dam releases. Often there is not enough flow in the Trinity River to move these deliveries from tributaries, so they settle out quickly. Where Deadwood Creek enters the Trinity River, large fine sediment deposits from the 2018 Carr fire have immediately settled into slow waters in recent years resulting in two negative effects. First, the tributary delta has formed unnaturally, and second fine sediments have smothered and suffocated salmon and steelhead eggs in the gravel.

Second Recommended Change: Wet-Season Flood

The second recommended change is the two-month (February 16 – April 15) Wet-Season Flood period, during which dam releases would be elevated above the typical 300 cfs baseflow with some variability. The amount of water released during this period depends on seasonal snow and rain accumulation and a conservative forecast of inflow to Trinity Reservoir from the California Department of Water Resources (90% B120).

These beneficial floods push water onto floodplains and keeps them wet for months, which essentially converts terrestrial habitat into aquatic habitat just as salmon and steelhead begin to emerge from the gravel and populations increase. This seasonal aquatic habitat grows food for fish and provides slow water habitat for small fish to rest, grow, and escape many aquatic predators.

Oregon Gulch floodplain inundation in March 2024 provided habitat for millions of juvenile salmonids and other aquatic species. Aaron Martin, Yurok Tribal Fisheries Department.

Snow Melt Peak and Recession

The Snowmelt Peak and Recession period has been implemented on the Trinity River for the past 20 years. The action provides important migration cues for adult and juvenile salmonids. Peak flows can provide many of the benefits that winter storm pulse flows provide earlier in the year, resetting the base of the food web and delivering nutrients to riparian areas. Receding flows trigger spring Chinook Salmon returning from the ocean to migrate toward over-summer habitat. Additionally, juvenile salmon and steelhead migrate out of rivers, to the ocean, as habitat availability decreases with dropping flows.

Proposed changes to flow management in 2025 would use the same volume of water that has been available since 2000, so any water released for a synchronized storm pulse or wet season flood would be borrowed from the spring snow melt release. As a result, releases would slow earlier, reducing cold-water impacts to fish growth while providing ecological benefits earlier in the year. Adjustments to flow management that more closely align dam releases with natural ecological processes are intended to also benefit other aquatic and semi-aquatic species, such as Foothill Yellow Legged frogs and Northwestern Pond turtles.

As mentioned, the recommendations presented for water year 2025 are designed to partially mimic natural seasonal processes so that ecological function can develop on the seasonal timeline, as it did for millennia prior to dam construction. Program scientists have long known that these recommended changes are necessary for making progress toward producing stronger healthier Trinity River fish populations.

If changes are approved by the Department of the Interior, the Trinity River Restoration Program will announce details regarding; flow action changes, ways to stay informed and notification timelines as they develop.

Recommended 2025 Water Year Environmental Flow Management Timeline

Ways to stay informed

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If you have questions, please contact the Trinity River Restoration Program office at 530/623-1800 or by emailing your question to


Featured Article: On Fish, and Fire.

Current conversations, media and our own experiences point to fire seasons that are far from ordinary. However, from dendrochronology (the study of tree rings) and other data sources, analysis find that prior to Euro-colonization, multiple millions of acres burned in on average in California. California’s ‘worst’ year in recent history saw about 4.5 million acres burned… which when comparing to historic averages would be within the ‘normal’ range (prior to Euro-colonization). In fact, tree ring scars show that many areas burned as frequently as every 5-10 years!  Within the past century, our society along with forest managers have promoted and practiced a prohibition on abundant low-intensity fire, allowing unburned materials to build up in forests and woodlands that along with population increase has set the stage for the complicated relationship now experienced with wildfire.

Photo of Weaver Bally.
Smokey evening on Weaver Bally, August, 2018. Numerous trees in the photo were killed by the Helena Fire in 2017. Photo by E. Peterson.

Most of us who have lived any length of time in the rural west are stressed about wildfire through the summer and well into the fall.   We endure smoke, dramatic headlines, helicopters flying over, evacuations, and too many of us witness damage to places we hold dear, including our own properties.  Forests that have not yet been touched by fire are heavily loaded with dead wood, leaves, and duff ready to become an inferno at any moment. Where fires have burned there is often a heavy load of grasses, frequently mixed with the woody remnants of trees from the last fire. Everywhere we go, organizations involved with fire share dramatic photos of conflagrations consuming tall trees.  And then we see flashfloods over fresh burns like with the McKinney Fire dumping sediments into rivers so thickly that it kills fish.  It seems we are smothered in news of devastation from wildfire!

But let’s step back for a little perspective.  Wildfire is nothing new to the west. Even before the first people set foot on these lands, our forests burned frequently from lightning strikes. These forests evolved with wildfires.  As tribes developed, their people lived with wildfires, found prosperity from them, and learned to manage the land by intentionally setting fires.

Debris flow piled against a bridge on Little Humbug Creek, a tributary to the Klamath River, during the 2022 McKinney Fire. Photo by E. Peterson.

20th century fire suppression has led to a build-up of dense forests, dead wood, leaves, and duff that fuel wildfires to be more destructive.  Yet even with that build up, wildfires are often not all bad.  Did you know that 66% of the 224,688 acre 2021 Monument Fire burned at low-intensity or lighter?  Yes, the 34% of moderate- to high-intensity burn is visually striking as we drive highway 299, but that 66% of low-intensity improved the health and the resiliency of the forest. This mix of severities is typical for fires in our region. Even before fire suppression led to fuel loading, some amount of high-intensity burn was natural.

Photo: Debris flow piled against a bridge on Little Humbug Creek, a tributary to the Klamath River, during the 2022 McKinney Fire. Photo by E. Peterson.

This maintained relatively open forests and woodlands, and kept mountain meadows functioning as wetlands to feed headwater streams. Natural wildfires tend to become more intense as they go upslope.  Look to the Trinity Alps where most mountain tops remain open and rocky.  Many peaks have sufficient soil among the rocks to support trees, and some scattered trees growing near the top of Thompson Peak demonstrate that the Trinities have no true elevational tree line.  But trees do grow slowly on those peaks and high intensity fires have historically happened often enough to keep those peaks mostly bare. 

Carl Skinner presents 2023 Healthy Fire, Healthy Fish: Lessons From Fire History

From dendrochronology (the study of tree rings) and other data sources, most analysis suggest that prior to Euro-colonization, multiple millions of acres burned in on average in California. Our ‘worst’ year in recent history saw about 4.5 million acres burned… which would be within the ‘normal’ range prior to Euro-colonization. Tree ring scars show that many areas burned as frequently as every 5-10 years!  But we stopped that abundant low-intensity fire, allowing unburned materials to build up in forests and woodlands, setting the stage for the conflagrations we now see.

Frequent low intensity fires keep those fuels cleared out forests and woodlands.  It also helped keep them from getting too dense, promoting the growth of large older deep-rooted trees while minimizing the number of young upstarts that dry out the surface soils.  By keeping pines and firs out of oak woodlands, these fires promoted habitat for deer and other wildlife.  For these reasons, tribes managed the lands in California with fire.

Smoke on the Trinity River near Junction City, August 2021. Photo by E. Peterson.

Smoke has a surprising value too!  Although unpleasant to our lungs, smoke cuts the intensity of sunlight hitting the ground.  Not only does it cool air temperatures during summer afternoons, it also cools the water in our streams and rivers.  Local research in the Klamath/Trinity River system found that smoke can cool our rivers by 2.4°C (4.3°F). That difference can be critical for Spring-Run Chinook hanging out in deep pools in the middle of summer! There is a lot of data to suggest that these rivers once had more Spring-Run Chinook than Fall-Run.  It would be interesting to know how much the millions of acres burning each year contributed to the abundance of Springers back then!

Photo: Smoke on the Trinity River near Junction City, August 2021. Photo by E. Peterson.

So one of the big questions of our time is… how do we get back to healthy systems that function well (and safely) with fire?

References and Further Reading

  • Asarian, E. 2024. Water temperatures in the Klamath-Trinity Basin: flow, other key drivers, and climate change implications. Presentation on 2024-05-01, Science Symposium of the Trinity River Restoration Program. Riverbend Sciences, Arcata, California. Available:
  • Salmonid Federation Restoration. Fire and Fish Workshop and Information
  • Scott L. Stephens, Robert E. Martin, Nicholas E. Clinton, Prehistoric fire area and emissions from California’s forests, woodlands, shrublands, and grasslands. Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 251, Issue 3. 2007. Science
  • Trinity River Restoration Program Featured Article: Sediment and Summer Thunderstorms. The River Riffle, July 2023.
  • Gruell, George E. Fire in Sierra Nevada Forests: A Photographic Interpretation of Ecological Change Since 1849. Mountain Press Publishing Company, 2001
  • Fire in California’s Ecosystems. (2018). United States: University of California Press.

Featured Article: Temperature Diversity in the Trinity River, a River System in a Mediterranean Climate

The start of summer in Trinity County has been a hot one, with 100° plus degrees for 10 days straight in early July combined with another series of 100° degree days forecasted for the latter half of the month. As warm-bodied land dwellers, we cope with heat by seeking refuge: interior shelter, air conditioning, shade, and of course, water. Refreshing water comes in many forms – pools, sprinklers and creeks, lakes, and rivers – whatever is available to us! Cold-blooded salmon are not so different in this regard. Throughout their various life stages, they too seek water temperatures that provide opportunities for success.

A deep pool on the Upper Trinity River looking upriver. [Todd Buxton, TRRP]
Photo of water being released from Lewiston Dam.

The construction and operation of Trinity and Lewiston dams have altered the Trinity River in many ways. Program scientists continue to learn about the complex ways dams affect water temperatures and fish within this altered system. For many years, “the colder the water the better” has been the dogma of salmonid management. While cold water can be beneficial, scientists have long known water that is too cold can also be detrimental. Like nearly all animals, salmonids grow and survive best within an optimal range of water temperatures, and temperatures above and below this range negatively affect them. Temperature variability is highly important because it allows fish to find temperatures that are optimal at different times of day for the various activities they undertake to grow and survive.

Last August, in the River Riffle newsletter we published “A Brief Introduction to Thermal Ecology of the Trinity River”. The article describes the thermal ecology of local rivers which experience cold, wet winters and hot, arid summers, characteristics of the Mediterranean climate of our region. Salmonids thrive where thermal diversity is available because they can maximize growth and survival by seeking optimal temperatures. For example, a juvenile salmonid’s job is to eat, grow and survive. At this stage, juveniles move from higher velocity areas where they feed in relatively cold water before residing in slower warmer areas of pools to rest and digest. The warm, slow water helps them relax and digest. Moving to take advantage of temperature differences allows them to efficiently digest their food to gain weight and grow larger. Eat, rest, digest, and repeat. The more that young fish can take advantage of these diverse temperature and flow conditions the better they can digest food into growth, which in turn improves their chance of survival in the ocean.

An abundance of juvenile salmonids feeding in the drift at Oregon Gulch. [Aaron Martin, YTFD]

The seasonal, daily, and spatial temperature environment in the Trinity River before dams were constructed differed considerably from what we see today. Year to year variability was driven by winter precipitation and snow accumulation. As temperatures rose in the spring, snowmelt provided a regenerative increase in flow and expansion of habitat. On the journey from melting snow through creeks and tributaries to the mainstem river, water was warmed by the longer, warmer days, often reaching optimal temperatures for growth. As the snowmelt receded and the river returned to summer low flow, water temperatures in large, deep pools would stratify into different layers. In both these ways, temperature variability was provided to not only juvenile salmonids but also native frogs, turtles, and aquatic insects. The diversity of temperatures within nooks and crannies, combined with different depths and sheltered areas of the river formed a robust underwater nursery for the aquatic wildlife below. The timing and magnitude of these transitions and the variability of temperature depended on rain and snow patterns months before, yet the pattern was predictable. Fish and wildlife evolved over millennia to take advantage of this cycle.

The presence and operation of Trinity and Lewiston dams have dramatically altered the temperature regime in the Trinity River. As the spring and summer days heat up, Trinity Reservoir water stratifies to form a large pool of cold water below a depth of about 6 feet. Above this depth, water temperatures are warmed by the sun. Although infrastructure on some dams allow water to be drawn selectively from throughout the water column, Trinity Dam can only draw from its deep cold-water pool.  Cold water that is released from Trinity Dam to Lewiston Reservoir warms as it flows towards Lewiston Dam, but releases to the river are still much colder throughout the summer than what the river experienced at Lewiston before the dams were in place.  While the pre-dam river and other undammed local rivers warm in the spring to provide ideal temperatures for fish growth, the cold-water releases from Lewiston Dam keep the mainstem Trinity River so cold that growth of native salmonids, frogs, and turtles is stunted.

While juvenile fish population data collected by the Hoopa and Yurok Tribes and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service show that significantly more juvenile salmonids have been produced by the Trinity River since ROD releases began in the early 2000’s, these data also show that juvenile fish size has notably decreased (Pinnix etal 2022. Figure 4, Figure 12). Program scientists strongly suspect that large cold-water releases in spring are a significant contributing factor to this decrease in fish size, and smaller fish have a lower chance of surviving in the ocean. Despite increases in the number of juvenile salmonids leaving the Trinity River, adult returns have not increased, and in fact have declined since 2000.

Scientists hypothesize that moving some of the Trinity River flow releases from springtime to the winter months would provide better growth conditions for juvenile salmonids by enabling summer flows to reach baseflow earlier in the year, allowing for the river to once again benefit the outmigrating fish (Asarian etal 2023, Abel etal 2021, Naman etal 2020).  But what about the adult salmon. Would a warmer river harm them?

Photo of Chinook over spawning gravel (photo credit Thomas Dunklin).

Adult salmon, like Chinook and coho, return to freshwater from the ocean with a different strategy than juveniles. Their focus is instead on the need to conserve energy for spring and summer migration in spring and spawning in fall. The prized spring-run Chinook take advantage of snow melt runoff in the spring to swim upriver. Along the way they commonly rest by day in slow water at the bottom of large, deep pools, behind fallen trees, under bedrock outcroppings, and downstream of large boulders. Water temperatures in the river increase as days get longer and hotter, while they can vary throughout the day as water cools at night and warms in daytime.

As spring progresses into summer, migration can become limited to cooler times of day, as the adults rest in the cold bottoms of thermally stratified pools by day and resume their upstream migration when the entire river has cooled at night. Finally, when adult spring-run Chinook reach their over-summer holding habitat, they can spend weeks to several months in deep pools with slow water to conserve energy for spawning in the fall.

There are many objectives of the regulated flow releases to the Trinity River from Lewiston Dam.  Summer baseflow releases aim to provide favorable temperatures for migrating and holding spring Chinook who have lost access to habitat in the upper watershed above Trinity and Lewiston dams. This temperature mitigation is achieved by flow releases of 450 cubic feet per second from the end of the spring release until mid-October. A recent research paper published in the Hydrological Processes journal, The mechanics of diurnal thermal stratification in river pools: Implications for water management and species conservation (Buxton et al. 2022) explores the effects of summer flow management on the Trinity River. The research examines pre-dam flow records from 1911-1960 when summer flows averaged 177 cubic feet per second in the Trinity River in comparison to flows since 2000 that measure 2.5 times higher at 450 cfs. The increased flow and cold deep water drawn from Trinity Reservoir create summer temperatures that are around 18°F cooler (10°C) than pre-dam temperatures in summer at Lewiston. The post-dam Trinity River experiences more water and higher velocity, yet its habitat areas are remarkably smaller than the pre-dam environment which received less water and lower velocity.

Trinity River near Douglas City, Ca. Click to swipe between aerial images from 1944 and 2023 showing the difference between channel width pre-dam to post-dam.

Above, we mentioned pool stratification in Trinity Reservoir. The stratification occurs because the slow-moving water warms and becomes less dense, which causes it to buoy toward the surface. This stratification of temperatures occurs in river pools that are large and deep enough (typically greater than 9 feet in depth). Size is important because when flow through the pool slows to a very low speed it prevents the warm top water from mixing with the cold bottom water and allows for stratification. This thermal layering in stratified pools is important for salmonids because it provides both adult and juveniles the opportunity to place themselves in the right temperature at the right time of day to best improve their survival and/or growth.

A key component of the pool stratification research was the measurement and modeling of temperatures as well as flow velocities in correctly sized pools for holding spring Chinook both below and above the dams. Data were collected and compared from a control pool in the Trinity River upstream of Trinity Reservoir as well as below Lewiston Dam (Pear Tree Pool). The findings showed that the pool above the dams exhibited stratification, providing the range of beneficial temperatures that follow the annual pattern of sun exposure and summer flows that naturally occur in our region.

In contrast, stratification did not occur in the pool below the dam at Pear Tree. Flows were too fast, mixing all water into one layer of uniform temperature. While temperatures in the Pear Tree pool were suitable for holding adult spring Chinook, the higher velocities increased their energy expenditure, likely taxing their energy supply needed for building and protecting redds and ultimately laying and fertilizing eggs. Unfortunately, the pool also lacked temperature diversity for juvenile salmon. Juveniles were presented with uniform temperatures and higher velocities, also taxing their energy supply needed for digesting their food to put on weight. Not to mention losing the benefits of temperature diversity discussed above.

Temperature diversity combined with variable water depths and velocities, refuge from predators, and plentiful food are important factors determining a young fish’s ability to grow and survive. While we often think “cold water is best,” perhaps a more accurate statement would be “diverse water temperatures are essential”! While that may seem obvious, a little clarification can improve our understanding of the needs of fish and how we may better serve them. Rivers in our region support a multitude of aquatic and land-based animals, insects, birds, and amphibians. Providing habitat diversity – including variable water temperatures – are paramount to meeting the needs of our wildlife community, and Program scientists continue to learn about the complex interactions between temperature and ecosystem health, hoping to better inform management on the Trinity River.

If you are interested in learning more about pool stratification on the Trinity River, join the lead author on this study, Dr. Todd Buxton, for Science on the River: Stratification of water temperatures in pools on the Trinity River at the Lewiston Hotel and Dance Hall on August 28, 2024 – 6pm. Todd is a Hydrologist and Fish Biologist with the Bureau of Reclamation – Trinity River Restoration Program who will lead us through the recent Trinity River study on thermal stratification in river pools. Pool stratification is an important ecological function of natural river systems and Todd’s findings show that pools in the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam are unable to stratify and provide critical habitat for juvenile and adult salmonids. Todd will discuss why the habitat is important for both life stages of salmon as well as other interesting findings from the study.


  1. Pinnix, W.D., S.P. Boyle, T. Wallin, T. Daley, and N.A. Som. 2022. Long-Term Analyses of Estimates of Abundance of Juvenile Chinook Salmon on The Trinity River, 1989-2018. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office, Arcata Fisheries Technical Report Number TS 2022-40, Arcata, California. [link to download]
  2. Buxton, T. H., Y. G. Lai, N. A. Som, E. Peterson, and B. Abban. 2022. The mechanics of diurnal thermal stratification in river pools: Implications for water management and species conservation. Hydrological Processes 36(11):e14749. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14749. [Link to Download]


Asarian, J. E., K. De Juilio, S. Naman, D. Gaeuman, and T. Buxton. 2023. Synthesizing 87 years of scientific inquiry into Trinity River water temperatures. Report for the Trinity River [Link to download].

Naman, S., K. De Juilio, and K. Osborne. 2020. Juvenile salmonid temperature target recommendations. Memorandum to Ken Lindke, Fish Work Group Coordinator. Trinity River Restoration Program, Weaverville, California. [Link to download].

Abel, C., K. de Juilio, K. Lindke, S. Naman, and J. Alvarez. 2021. Shifting a portion of Trinity River spring releases from Lewiston Dam to the winter period: a flow management action to benefit juvenile salmonid habitat availability, growth, and outmigrant timing. White-paper for the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP). TRRP, Weaverville, California. [Link to download].

Featured Article: The Trinity Watershed Basin’s Water Year Forecast & Local Snow Surveys

Many Trinity County residents are attuned to the annual water year forecasting prepared by the California Department of Water Resources, also known as the Bulletin 120 or B-120. Every year, the department gathers real time water accumulation information, snowpack data and uses modeling to forecast what to expect for the major snow bearing watersheds in California. The water bean counting starts October 1 (the nominal beginning of California’s wet season) with a final determination April 10 each year. The forecasts are broken up into several regions throughout California with the Trinity River at Lewiston Lake forecast filed under the North Coast Hydrologic Region.  The ultimate goal of the B-120 is to value expected amounts of water inflow to storage locations around the state. These data makes it possible for water managers to make local informed decisions about potential floods, the amount of water that can be released from reservoir systems, as well as what type of dry season residents and fire agencies could expect within their regions.

Each year, the Watershed Research and Training Center along with the U.S. Forest Service – Shasta-Trinity National Forest conduct monthly snow surveys at specific locations in the Trinity Alps which are a part of the statewide California Cooperative Snow Survey program. Together these local organizations help the California Department of Water Resources forecast the quantity of water available for our watershed each water year. Listen into Josh Smith, Watershed Stewardship Program Director for The Watershed Center talk about their efforts in collecting this important yearly data.

For the Trinity River Restoration Program, the April B-120 forecast determines the water year allocation for our yearly restoration flow releases, which were outlined in the 1999 Flow Study Evaluation and adopted in the 2000 Department of Interior – Record of Decision. These five water year types that determine the amount of water released to the river from year to year are categorized as Critically Dry, Dry, Normal, Wet and Extremely Wet. You can see the relative allocation for restoration purposes in the table below.

It is interesting to note that the State’s April B-120 has only overpredicted the water year type once, in 2008.  Currently the allocation for river restoration is the only conditioned amount of water released from Trinity & Lewiston Reservoir; where the Restoration Program’s yearly allocation is limited by water year type, the Central Valley Project can divert any amount in any water year type, usually diverting less in wetter years and more in drier years. Safety of dams releases and water releases to the Trinity River for ceremonial purposes or for Klamath River mitigation purposes are not part of the restoration release volume.

Josh Smith and Michael Novak in Bear Basin during the annual snow survey in 2020. Photo by Dillon Sheedy.

As mentioned above the State’s forecast uses a few different methods to determine how much water to expect as inflow into Trinity & Lewiston Reservoir. The most story-worthy data collection type are the on-the-ground, snow surveys which are conducted during a short window every February, March, April and May. The Trinity Alps snow surveys are led by two agencies: The U.S. Forest Service who motor in via snow Cat to several locations in the Trinity Alps Wilderness, and an expert group of backcountry cross country skiers led by The Watershed Research and Training Center. There are nearly a dozen survey courses established throughout the Trinity River watershed and these sites have been measured in exactly the same locations since the 1940s.

A long metal tube is pushed down through the snow to the ground, capturing the depth of the snow in the core of the tube. This photo was taken of Ben Letton by Josh Smith during the March 2021.

Each year The Watershed Center sends out a small team of between two and four backcountry skiers to travel through the Alps Wilderness and measure snowpack at three survey courses: Shimmy Lake, Red Rock Mountain, and Bear Basin. Once the team reaches a survey location, they drive a specialized aluminum tube tool called the Mt. Rose Sampler, into the snowpack until they hit ground. “It takes a few times to get used to doing it,” says Josh Smith who has been conducting surveys in the Alps since 2011, with the first full recorded season in 2012. The surveyors use the tool to measure the height of the snow, then carefully extract the tube from the snowpack and weigh the snow-filled tube using a handheld scale. These measurements allow the surveyors to calculate the Snow Water Equivalent in designated transects within the three courses for which their team is responsible for. The State uses the hand measurements from the snow survey teams to bolster additional data taken from unmanned sensors located across and just outside of the watershed. These data sources together feed into a model that predicts the volume of water that will flow into Trinity Reservoir that year.

The Mt. Rose Sampler tube is being weighed on a specialized handheld scale. Using the height and weight of the snow, surveyors are able to calculate the Snow Water Equivalent (SWE).

A great deal of preparation and expertise goes into the Trinity Alps Snow Survey and participation is not for the faint of heart. When asked if the survey team has had any injuries Smith explained, “mostly broken will, oh, and lots and lots of blisters.” The crews aim for good weather days but do encounter a variety of winter weather patterns that exemplify California’s highly variable winter weather conditions, including blizzard conditions, wet and heavy snowpack, avalanche conditions, and melting snow that leads to flooding creeks.

“These are not groomed trails, and the crews switch off being the lead – when the snow is deep or heavy it’s not easy breaking trail, so we try and spread out that responsibility, especially when trying to conserve energy throughout the multi-day survey,” explained Smith.

That said, the Watershed Center is looking for local Trinity County residents who believe they have a sufficient mental and physical stamina to participate in this long-standing Trinity County tradition. “We get a lot of calls from people who think this is right for them,” Josh continues, “most people only come out once, and then they are done. It’s a real suffer-fest.”

Nick Goulette and Michael Novak during a blizzard in 2019. Photo by Josh Smith, provided by The Watershed Center.

If you’d like to learn more, please reach out to Josh Smith at the Watershed Training and Research Center by calling (530) 628-4206.

The River’s Liver – the hyporheic zone


Amaze your river friends by introducing them to the hyporheic zone, an important area where shallow groundwater and surface water mix to support a rich biological habitat of microvegetation that in-turn supports a diverse assemblage of benthic macroinvertebrates, the primary food source for juvenile and adult salmon.

Not only is the hyporheic zone an area that supports great biodiversity, in a 2005 study this zone was also coined the “river’s liver” from findings that carbon and nitrogen cycling in the river was “controlled by the live sediments of the central river channel, which thus represent a “liver function” in the river’s metabolism.”[1] So, the hyporheic zone acts as a filtering mechanism for the river, and an area of rich biodiversity. But that’s not all!

The hyporheic zone provides a multitude of functions and it is critically important to the health of our waterways. Because the hyporheic zone acts as a filtration system through its porous sediments, it also promotes higher levels of dissolved oxygen through photosynthesis. Dissolved oxygen in waterways support anadromous fish species like chinook, steelhead and coho salmon by helping them to maintain a healthy respiratory function.

When Trinity River salmon return to spawn, they dig redds (or nests) to lay their eggs in. The female fish flaps her tail sideways into the river bed, digging down around 12″ to 14″ into the hyporheic zone. After the eggs are laid and fertilized, she covers them with rocks. These rocks protect the eggs and newly hatched alevin from predators. The eggs location in the hyporheic zone provides water flow that flushes metabolic wastes during egg development and provide dissolved oxygen for her embryos to breathe.

The presence of dissolved oxygen, protection from predators, and microvegetation for food makes the hyporheic zone a biologic hotspot for macroinvertebrates. While the insects nestle down in between rocks they feed on leaves, algae, and twigs. In a healthy hyporheic zone where flow and sediments are correctly combined the area supports an abundance of food for the macroinvertebrates which in turn supports an abundance of food for juvenile and adult salmon. And that’s not all! Due to the interaction with upwelling cooler ground water, hyporheic zones help to moderate stream temperatures during the lower flow summer and fall months.

The Significance of the Hyporheic in the Trinity River

The hyporheic zone covers the entire streambed and bank areas of a river bottom and the ability to perform its natural functions are influenced by many things. Some influences include whether the stream is straight or meanders, if there are any obstacles in the channel, such as log, boulder, or even the pier support for a bridge. Factors also include whether the stream has a single channel or multiple channels, and also how porous the streambed sediments are. For example, near Lewiston Dam where there are very few fine sediments, large amounts of the river’s flow go subsurface because they are conveyed in the hyporheic zone. This is an unnatural situation because the river requires all sized sediments, from sand and silt up to cobbles and boulders. So while semi-open pore spaces in the bed are desirable, if the pore spaces are fully open do to the lack of fines in the bed, salmon eggs will jiggle around in redds and die from abrasion as well as the speed of flow between rocks in the hyporheic zone will be too fast for microvegetation to grow and macroinvertebrates to live.

It might be easy to surmise that due to the two dams on the Trinity River, that the hyporheic zone (within the 40-mile restoration reach) lacks diversity. Of course, dams block sediments, nutrients, logs and water from a river’s lower reaches. In a healthy river system, these elements work together to form a river’s structure. It is interesting to note that from 1964-1994 the Trinity River received a year-round baseflow of 200 cubic feet per second. The effect of static water releases was detrimental to the form and function of the river – greatly impacting the hyporheic zone. With the blockage of water, sediments, and logs the river began to stagnate – check out this article from November 3, 1980, “The Wild and the Dammed” where author P. McHugh documents his kayak adventure down the Trinity River in Lewiston.

Thus, to combat a static river system, since 2000, the Trinity River Restoration Program has focused efforts around replenishing the critical building blocks of a river. This is achieved by gravel additions in the upper river, large wood placements along river banks and a yearly spring snowmelt hydrograph that is released from Lewiston Dam. Also, since the Trinity was heavily impacted by hydraulic and dredge mining the program allocates funds for watershed restoration and gives great attention to the diversification of channels and floodplains with mechanical rehabilitation.

These things combined help the dammed Trinity in healing itself, however, many gains are yet to be made with restoration and management. For example, Todd Buxton, PhD, is starting a three year study of the hyporheic zone in the Trinity River. The study will construct a mathematical model to simulate the flow rates and directions, temperatures, and dissolved oxygen in the hyporheic zone. At the same time, macroinvertebrates in the hyporheic zone will be measured where the study is being conducted at sites within the 40-mile restoration reach. This information will be used to develop a statistical model for predicting the density and species composition of macroinvertebrates based on the above characteristics in the hyporheic zone, since these aspects have a strong role in determining how many and what species of macroinvertebrates may be present. Application of the paired models will then enable scientists to better understand how surface flows and temperatures in the river can be better managed to promote macroinvertebrate populations and increase the availability of food for salmon.

Additionally, the program has made significant gains with increases in outmigrating salmon smolts since 2000, but these fish are not returning home at the rates that were observed before this year. Scientist have identified that the Program’s current management of flow timing could be a critical limiting factor for the fish of the Trinity River. If juvenile fish had more food available to them when they are emerging from their nests they may enter the ocean more robust. If elevated flows from the dam are timed with winter storms, then the Trinity River could add to the power of the tributary flows to increase mainstem water levels to prevent delta creation while simultaneously preventing sediments from smothering redds and other important living organisms within the hyporheic zone.

Understanding this unique area has been a challenge for river scientists because the hyporheic function is expansive. It is also unique to each river system and crosses over many scientific disciplines. The zone not only intrigues those interested in studying the microbiome of a river system, but also includes; ecologists, geomorphologists, hydrologists and environmental engineers, just to name a few. With each discipline and study within, scientists learn more and more about the fascinating world that exists beneath and alongside a river’s bed and how river restorationists can better understand to allow it to flourish.


Hyporheic Zone, Wikipedia

Lewandowski, J.; Arnon, S.; Banks, E.; Batelaan, O.; Betterle, A.; Broecker, T.; Coll, C.; Drummond, J.D.; Gaona Garcia, J.; Galloway, J.; et al. Is the Hyporheic Zone Relevant beyond the Scientific Community? Water 201911, 2230.

The Significance of the Hyporheic Zone, Jana Hemphill, Deschutes Land Trust, 2021.


[1] Fischer, H.; Kloep, F.; Wilzcek, S.; Pusch, M.T. A river’s liver–microbial processes within the hyporheic zone of a large lowland river. Biogeochemistry 200576, 349–371. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]

Featured Article – Sediment, the Building Blocks of the Trinity River

When you go down to the river, it’s hard to ignore the assortment of sediment on the bed and banks – from sand and silt, to gravel, to larger cobbles, to the largest of boulders. Seeing rocks that contrast so strongly with the rough, jagged ones in the surrounding hills might beg the question – how did these get here, where did they come from, and how long ago did they arrive?

Photo: Riparian area along the Trinity River above Trinity Reservoir showing an assortment of sediment, vegetation and large wood. [TRRP]

If a rock is rounded, more likely than not [1] it was transported by the river in a series of floods, originated from higher up in the watershed. Depending on the size these rocks may have arrived recently – perhaps as recently as the last flood. Large, rounded boulders that appear to be too large to have been rolled down the river on their own may have been in place since the last natural 100-year or 500-year flood and may remain there forever, or at least as long as Trinity and Lewiston dams are in place.

[1] Gold miners washed much sediment into Trinity River valleys from ancient riverbeds created from tectonic lifting that are presently high up on mountain slopes.

A river’s function

Besides the ecological benefits that rivers provide us, they have two pivotal functions in nature – to move water and to move sediment from the mountains to the ocean (the process is illustrated below). As both water and sediment flow downstream, they interact with each other to create a mosaic of pools, riffles, runs, islands, meanders, bars, and all of the other physical features that draw people, plants, and animals to a river.

“Conveyor Belt” conceptual model of sediment transport. Rivers move water and sediment from the mountains to the sea.

The Trinity Watershed is situated in a relatively young, steep, and highly erodible mountain range, and is therefore blessed with a plentiful supply of sediment. A healthy sediment supply is beneficial to fish, invertebrates, and floodplain vegetation. However, due to the placement of two dams in the Trinity River’s upper watershed an important element of restoration is giving gravel to the system below a dam since the river’s natural sediment supply is blocked. We know rivers below dams need a replenished sediment supply, however, a key question that geomorphologists continue to study is how much sediment, and what size distribution of sediment should be added? These factors are difficult to determine and are constantly being re-evaluated as part of our adaptive management program.

How we calculate amounts for placement

Gravel augmentations to the river are first determined using a defined sediment budget specific to the Trinity. Also, at some point below most dams, a river’s tributaries provide a sufficient supply of sediment to support the physical processes and biologic populations in the river. On the Trinity, that point is considered to be just below the junction of Indian Creek. In years past, during floods, the amount of sediment moving along the bottom of the river (called ‘bedload’) was directly measured with large strainers placed on the riverbed. Data obtained from the strainer monitoring station have indicated that minor floods may move 2,000-3,000 tons of bedload (the monitoring station that is nearest to Indian Creek is located just upstream of Douglas City campground). At this same location, larger floods may move 15,000-30,000 tons of bedload past the monitoring station. The Trinity Record of decision provided the program with a framework of how much sediment should be applied to the river below the dam with the expectation that geomorphologists study current conditions through time and then adapt management based on results found.

After many years of physically sampling bedloads, program scientists switched to a more efficient and safer technique called acoustical monitoring. This method uses underwater microphones to quantify the amount of sediment during floods by measuring the amount of noise generated by rocks rolling on the bed. The physical data collected from the past is then compared to the measured volume of noise and produces a calculated volume of sediment rolling past. Scientists then scale annual sediment augmentation projects to these measured amounts. Additionally, the riverbed is periodically surveyed below sediment augmentation sites to determine whether the effects of placements are positive or negative. If too much sediment is noted, this information is used to scale back future sediment augmentation plans. If you were to compare the original amounts of sediment proposed in the Trinity Record of Decision to what we add today, ROD volumes were 2-3 times higher!

Above Photo: a 2023 gravel augmentation site pictured prior to high flow. Right Photo: the same site pictured after the gravel was dispersed by high flow.

Size matters

As for size, the high end of the size distribution of sediments is the grain diameter that salmon can move to construct redds, or nests in which they place their eggs for incubation. Salmon can spawn in gravels with a median diameter up to about 10% of their body length. This leads to gravel being placed in the river that was filtered through a 4-inch screen. The lower end of the size distribution of sediment for redd building is considered to be in the size range of small gravel, and so the sediment mixtures for placement in the river are also screened to remove sand and silt. If the sediment is too small, it just flushes all the way down the river during floods and doesn’t remain to provide any benefits. If the sediment is too large, it stays close to the augmentation site and causes the riverbed to become coarser there. The need for small to large gravels for placement makes considering the size distribution between these end points important. Too many small gravels make the riverbed overly mobile and easy to scour, which endangers salmon eggs incubating in the bed. However, a grain-size distribution that is skewed towards larger particles makes the riverbed too stable, so that salmon are unable to move the sediment when attempting to construct a redd. These considerations make the size class of sediment another subject of adaptive management, and over time TRRP has reduced the size of sediment that is added to the river. Studies have also pointed toward ways that coarse sediments (gravel and cobble) interact with fine sediment (sand and silt), and restoring a natural balance of these grain sizes is an objective of the sediment augmentation program at the TRRP.  In the future you may hear of sediment with a more natural size distribution (e.g., “bank run material”) being used in sediment augmentation projects.

Salmon spawning in gravel in the Trinity River.

Filling deep pools

When you observe a river during typical baseflows, pools are calm while riffles are noisy, turbulent and swift. From an above water view, its natural to think that sediments would settle from these active riffles to its calmer neighboring pools. During low flow, if you look underwater, the river only has the power to move finer sediments, like sand and silt. Conversely, coarse sediment, such as gravel and cobble move only when the hydrology of the river is powerful with high flow or flooding.

When rivers flood, we see something that river scientists call a “flow reversal”. Flow reversal is when deep pools transition into a high-energy environment where flow velocity is more vigorous than on riffles. In this instance water meets the pool (and its surrounding environment, like bedrock) with force and activates sediments of different sizes within the pool. These sediments are “scoured” from the pool and placed on the riffle below it typically expanding a pool’s depth and also building the riffle below. Next time during a high flow, check out the way a pool churns and take note to notice the way water interacts with the riffle that lye underneath. During high discharges, flows on riffles are comparatively slow because the surface is not as deep. This interaction causes the water to “feel” the bed and slow due to its rough texture. These interactions cause sediment to deposit on riffles and scour from pools during high flows. The size of sediments that move are directly correlated to the amount of water flowing down the river and these events are the force behind building the riffles and pools of the Trinity River.

Dave Gaeuman, Senior Geomorphologist for the Yurok Tribe talks about the importance of variable flows and and how sediment transports from riffles to pools

TRRP sediment augmentation projects have sometimes been thought to contribute to the filling of deep pools in the river and there have been cases where pool depths have decreased in areas that the TRRP has worked to restore the river. However, TRRP studies have shown that this tends to occur where stream power decreases in the channel from lowering the elevation of adjacent floodplains and vegetation, which causes the flow to spread out instead of concentrate in the channel. In many areas of the Trinity River, lowering floodplains is necessary to reconnect them with the river during floods for the benefit of the fish, wildlife and plants that live there. This conundrum is another subject of adaptive management, and TRRP often avoids actions that would have a strong likelihood of affecting pool depths so that holding habitat for over-summering fish such as spring-run Chinook salmon remains available.  

The next time you visit the Trinity River, take a close look at the sediments that you see. Depending on the time of year, you may see salmon redds constructed of gravels.  You will also most likely find aquatic invertebrates and biofilm living on the gravel and cobbles surfaces. Dig into a sand and silt deposit along the channel margins and you might find juvenile lamprey wriggling around in these materials. You will certainly see how sediment forms the shape of the river. And hopefully you’ll come away with a greater appreciation of sediments that are the building blocks of the Trinity River!

Featured Article: Algae, Food-Webs, and Flows

Photograph by Thomas Dunklin
Filamentous algae found near Indian Creek, a tributary to the Trinity River. [Thomas Dunklin]

Algae are an important component of a natural river ecosystem.  They photosynthesize, converting light into sugar for usable biological energy that forms the foundation of most foodwebs.  Cold, oligotrophic (nutrient-poor) rivers such as the Trinity are generally not perceived as having a lot of algae.  Back in 2018 a bloom of algae in the ‘restoration reach’ of the Trinity (roughly Lewiston to Helena) raised concerns; the bloom brought greater visibility of algae than we had seen in the Trinity in recent memory. 

For TRRP scientists, those concerns translated to numerous questions.  But questions that should be overlaid on the large body of literature from countless scientific studies done elsewhere.  That literature shows (repeatedly) a number of fundamental patterns: 

  • A broad diversity of algae is natural in cold rivers like the Trinity.
  • Young salmonids feed on small invertebrates that come both from the terrestrial environment and from within the river where algae is a primary food source. 
  • In the river, algae grow primarily on the river bottom (it is “benthic”) while algae suspended in the water column (“planktonic”) is prevented from becoming thick by the swift outflow of the water. 
  • Algae can be scoured from the river bottom during large floods, forming a reset for the benthic environment (what ecologists call a ‘disturbance’). 

Studies by Dr. Mary Power (U.C. Berkeley) and her associates, primarily in the nearby Eel River, had gone further with the studies of disturbance.  They found that while floods scour algae, they also scour some of the larger benthic invertebrates, particularly caddis fly larvae.  Caddis fly larvae consume large amounts of algae and build cases around themselves from wood and sand to prevent fish from eating them. Their studies found that floods are necessary for controlling caddis fly populations so that algae may rebuild, that chironomid larvae (nonbiting midges) then become more abundant, and then young salmon have more food available.

Prior to 2018, TRRP scientists had their hands full with issues higher up the food chain and thus more directly related to salmon production; algae had not been specifically studied within the Trinity restoration reach from an ecological point-of-view.  Questions arose… Was the bloom inappropriate for the Trinity? How much algae ‘ought’ the Trinity have?  Are the types of algae in the Trinity appropriate for producing chironomid larvae and thus fish food?  How does the abundance of algae in the Trinity correspond to natural flows or scheduled dam releases? 

In 2020 I began monitoring algae with a simple method to address these questions while not detracting from the ongoing focus on salmon.  I have been regularly measuring an index of algal abundance based on their visibility in underwater photography.  I have also been sampling the algae in winter and summer to identify the types of algae present.  A report from the first year of sampling is available at A second, multi-year report should be completed in 2024.

An algae monitoring site near Steiner Flat.  Filamentous algae are washing up along the edge of the river while most of the bed has a coating of diatoms.  [Eric Peterson, TRRP/Reclamation]

The algae in our focal reach of the Trinity River can be roughly placed into 3 groups: cyanobacteria (once known as ‘blue-green algae’), filamentous algae, and diatoms. 

Pondlife, Episode #2 – Blue-green Algea (Cyanobacteria)


Cyanobacteria are commonly found in summer and winter; they are a regular component of Trinity algae. This can sound scary at first, as some cyanobacteria produce cyanotoxins that make water dangerous. Calothrix is common in several tributaries where it forms a brownish skin-like covering over rocks, but is not considered dangerous for water quality. Others that can be problematic for water quality if they build up in abundance are found frequently in the river and tributaries.  However, I have only seen them in large quantity once, in standing water of a tributary stream that had essentially stopped flowing and heated up during summer.  Cyanobacteria are known to be most problematic in warm, still water and that seems to fit the Trinity where nuisance blooms have been confirmed in the lower river in relatively still edge-waters and last summer in Lewiston Lake, also with edge waters that can warm substantially.

Cladophora Algae.  [Eric Peterson, TRRP/Reclamation]

Filamentous algae

Filamentous algae (photos to right and at top of page) are generally the most visible, forming long swaths that wave in the current.  The predominant filamentous algae in the Trinity and its tributaries is Cladophora, a type that is well known from many aquatic environments.  While Cladophora is a direct food source for some invertebrates that become food for fish, it also hosts abundant diatoms, which I will get to in a moment.  Other filamentous algae are commonly present as well, although they provide less value for the food-web that supports salmon. Places on the Eel river that have been described as productive for Chinook can have far more algae than I have ever seen in the Trinity River, so blooms like we saw in 2018 may be ecologically healthy even though they look disconcerting to us humans.

. . .

Photo: Cladophora Algae.  [Eric Peterson, TRRP/Reclamation]

A variety of diatoms under a microscope, including Cymbella and Fragilaria.  [Eric Peterson, TRRP/Reclamation]


Diatoms are amazing single-celled algae…  They form cell walls of silica (glass) with intricate patterns that look almost like spirograph art under a microscope, and many are actively mobile!  Some also are capable of capturing nitrogen, making them a particularly valuable food source for invertebrates, which then become a food source for young salmon.  These diatoms tend to have an orange color, so when aging Cladophora looks orange in the river, it actually is becoming covered with nutritious diatoms.  Diatoms also live directly on rocks, where they can build up to form a slippery surface.  When this “scum” of diatoms is removed from a river rock and placed under a microscope, not only is the beauty of those glass cell walls revealed, but also bazillions (OK – not a scientific term) of Chironomid larvae… fish food! 

Chironomid larva living in Cladophora and diatoms. [Eric Peterson, TRRP/Reclamation]

The timing of algae in the Trinity River seems to be in an unnatural state.  Algae tend to build up until a flood scours them away.  Most of my studies have been in critically dry years without out sufficient flooding to remove algae.  Algae may be seen by most people in summer, but have been peaking in abundance in winter… early winter for tributaries, late winter for the river.  However, in 2023 I was able to monitor algae before and after several significant floods. The first scoured algae from tributaries, but only scoured algae in the mainstem river below Canyon Creek (because releases from the dam remained low and the river didn’t flood sufficiently above Canyon Creek).  Where scoured, algae typically redeveloped within my two-month sampling cycle.  Similarly, when floodplains are inundated for several weeks, productive algae communities form.

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Photo: A floodplain in the Junction City area that remained wet for several weeks allowed diatoms (the brownish color on these rocks) to thrive. 

While I lack specific data on the effect on invertebrates (and thus fish food), the pattern corresponded well with the studies by Dr. Power as well as observations from an ongoing invertebrate study being done in the Trinity. Indications are that Trinity and Lewiston dams, which prevent floods in winter, are preventing the ecological disturbance that builds algae communities to feed chironomid larvae for an optimal food supply as young salmon hatch and emerge from gravels.  Traditional ROD flows that don’t flood the river until April leaves an overly mature algae community (and invertebrates) in place while salmon fry emerge, then scours away the algae (the base of the food chain) when young salmon populations are peaking.  A shift in flow management to provide those scouring flows in winter should set the stage for more natural algal growth as well as optimal food supplies for emerging young salmon. 

Dr. Eric Peterson – Data Steward

Eric grew up in Weaverville, hiking in the Trinity Alps and exploring East Weaver Creek. A natural biologist from an early age, he completed a B.S. in biology and botany at Humboldt State University in 1995, and a Ph.D. at Oregon State University in 2000 in plant ecology with a focus on lichens and forestry. Eric worked as the vegetation ecologist for State of Nevada’s Natural Heritage Program for about 8 years, covering all corners of the state and developing techniques for mapping invasive annual grasses with satellite imagery. Eric joined TRRP in 2009 to manage Trinity River data and coordinate its use across the many offices of our partnership but also works with a focus on river ecology and is conducting a study of algae growth in the river and tributaries.

Flow Variability in the Trinity River

Aaron Martin [Yurok Tribal Fisheries Department]

Imagine a winter storm brewing in the west, clouds accumulating over the mountain peaks dropping a dusting of snow and at lower elevations dripping down as rain. Waters accumulate and funnel toward low points in steep terrain running down stream paths catching sediment, leaves, and branches and delivering them into the tributaries of the Wild and Scenic Trinity River. Depending on the amount of precipitation or snow melt, creeks can daintily deliver cool mountain waters with smaller sediments while larger rain events can powerfully move tree logs and large rocks.

Between 1960 and 2022, when this wild pulse of storm-fed tributaries finally converged with the Trinity River, something peculiar happened; the mainstem did not match the same force of its smaller tributaries. The river’s flatlined flow left debris delivered by the tributaries stacked and settled at their mouths. In the wet winter of 2022-’23, the community witnessed Deadwood Creek deliver a plume of sediment from its wildfire-scarred upper reaches after a significant rain. The plume settled on a large group of salmon redds at the mouth of the creek, and the Trinity River, at its baseline winter flow of 300 cfs, couldn’t mobilize the sediments. The embryos developing in redds at the mouth of the Deadwood Creek likely died by suffocation.

As you are probably aware, the Trinity River has two dams which hold back waters from its upper watershed. In the absence of flow from those tributaries, the river then must rely on two hydrologic sources for river health: downstream tributaries and restoration flow actions released from the dam. Restoration flows have been managed by the Trinity River Restoration Program since 2004 and until quite recently, flow amounts during winter months were managed to maintain a consistent low flow (300 cfs) from October 15 through mid-April. Management was designed this way because the science of how flow influences the ecology of the river wasn’t as far along as the physical river sciences, and further, the water year type which establishes the volume of restoration flow is not determined by the California Department of Water Resources until April 15. Based upon that water year determination, program staff develop a hydrograph for its spring restoration release which intends to mimic an important ecological function of mountainous river systems – the snow melt flood.

As described in the first paragraph, the snow melt flood moves mountains, well the loose parts anyway. High flows during melt events benefit the river in form by moving sediments, logs and rocks which are critical in building habitat for salmonids. Logs slow upstream current, allowing migrating fish to rest and providing cover from predators. Rocks create oxygenation in riffles and provide nesting salmonids a place to dig their redds when spawning. Sediments, when settled and in healthy amounts, encourage proper algae and thus hatches of bugs, which feed fish on their path of migration.

With the snow melt restoration release the Trinity River began to heal from decades of dam-regulated flows. Data shows that the Program has been successfully sending more young fish to the ocean suggesting that habitat is increasing with more water in the system (Pinnix et al, 2022), but adult fish returns have not met expectations and scientists wanted to know why. In the mid-2010’s the Program began to explore the use of flows during winter months. A significant portion of rain events that trigger tributary flows happen from December to April and flows below the dam don’t match that pattern. Studies commenced on temperature, salmonid growth, food availability, habitat availability, redd scour, and geomorphic and hydrologic benefits of current and potential flow practices. The results from these studies became clear and culminated in the Trinity River Winter Flow Project report (Abel et al., 2022). The research led to a proposal of using some of the restoration flow volume earlier in the year by synchronizing a dam release with a winter storm between December 15– February 15 and then providing the river with an elevated base flow between February 15 and April 15; the balance of the restoration water volume would still be used to mimic spring snowmelt in the spring. The authors hypothesize that this change in flow management would more efficiently use the same amount of water to move rock in the river, while also increasing habitat and food availability for young salmon.

When you think about it, it makes sense. All the native species of the Trinity River evolved with winter storm flows, higher winter base flows, spring snow melt and dry hot summers. But for the past 56 years, water dispersal from the dam has been flipped and has largely disregarded vital variability in flow patterns outside of the spring and early summer. Key floodplain habitat that was once inundated for months during winter and provided an abundance of rearing areas and food production to Trinity River fish has been lost, unless flow patterns change. Catch data from downstream screw traps show that inundation of that rearing habitat does not occur until most juvenile salmonids are downstream of the restoration reach (Petros et al. 2017), meaning most juvenile salmon don’t have a chance to use all that habitat that has been created by restoration projects in the last 18 years, unless flow patterns change. We are also learning that water released from the dam can be so cold that it slows the growth of juvenile salmon and that the right temperatures and abundant food will translate into faster growth for salmonids (Lusardi et al. 2019).

Young fish need diverse habitats, appropriate temperatures and abundant food to thrive and survive as they travel down the river to the ocean. More natural flows, including winter floods, increased winter base flows, and spring snow melt better support a healthy ecosystem that many species depend upon. The system is a balancing act of physical processes like flow, seasonality, and a vast network of species that rely on each other to thrive.  The Trinity River Restoration Program is looking to give that power back to the ecosystem so that our cherished fish of the Trinity can be armed with bigger, healthier bodies when they meet the challenges of their harrowing migration to and from the ocean.