River flows continue to be released from Lewiston Dam at the summer base flow of 450 cubic feet per second. Upper and lower river temperatures have continued to trend lower than 2022 and remain “optimal” (50F-65F) for spring salmonids holding in the river. Numbers of fish trapped in the JC weir have gone on a downward trend indicating that spring run steelhead and salmon are working their way up river and the fall run are holding.
River enthusiasts will see a rise in flows due to tribal trust agreements between the Hoopa Valley Tribe and the Bureau of Reclamation. Beginning Aug. 18 flows will gradually increase from the summer base flow of 450 cfs and are expected to reach a peak flow of 2,000 cfs on Aug. 20 before gradually returning to summer base flows later in the week. The Bureau’s official press release can be found here.
The Restoration Program continues work with partners at Oregon Gulch, north of Junction City. The project has moved into phase II which calls for channel reconstruction and in-river work. Trained technicians are on site monitoring turbidity to permitted levels. Anglers and river enthusiasts should expect moderately turbid waters downstream of the site. If traveling on the river, please follow signage as navigation pathways may have changed.
Workers at Oregon Gulch stand near the upper river entrance on August 9 2023. Photo Credit: Kiana Abel, Reclamation
Monitoring of fish health continues throughout the summer at the Junction City weir by several partner agencies. As of August 2, temperatures were recorded between 59F and 62F (in range for optimal temps). Fish trapped at the weir are still showing evidence of past gill infections, however they are “less than trace or healed” and seasonally the infection rate is holding in the 20% range. This is still higher than years past and the fish health alert will be held to a “yellow” cautionary level.
California buckeye (Aesculus californica) is a fast-growing species that grows below 4000 feet in dry slopes, canyons, and stream edges. Various species of buckeye grow throughout the world, but this is the only species that grows in California. Here in Trinity County, it seems to prefer the cooler and wetter parts of the region, mostly growing downriver towards Willow Creek or along moist riverbanks. They are a summer deciduous species and start to lose their leaves as early as July, turning crinkly and yellow and creating a seasonal stand-out display amongst the surrounding green riparian foliage.
Described as either a small tree or a large shrub, California buckeyes usually have multiple, gnarled trunks with smooth grey bark. One of the earliest riparian trees to leaf out in the spring, they ornately decorate the still dormant riparian area with large, dark green, palmately compound leaves. Soon thereafter, impressive clusters of whitish-pink flowers explode from the backdrop of tropical-looking leaves. Each cluster is primarily composed of male flowers, but towards the tip are a few functionally female flowers. This means that though each inflorescence contains several dozen blooms, they only manage to produce 1-2 seeds, which are rather large and somewhat resemble chestnuts (hence one of this plant’s common names, “horse chestnut”).
Buckeye seeds are known for being toxic to non-native bees. This is due to a neurotoxic glycoside called aesculin, which causes hemolysis (rupturing) of red blood cells. This not only affects hive species like honeybees – who take the pollen back to the hive and inadvertently poison their own queen – but it also affects humans and fish, causing symptoms like diarrhea, muscle weakness, lack of coordination and even paralysis. Thanks to coevolution, native bees and pollinators are unaffected by aesculin and savor the sweet nectar and pollen.
Native Americans have a cultivated relationship with buckeye seeds. In the Hupa language, the word for buckeye is la:whe’, and the seeds are believed to be a food of the pre-human immortals (k’ixinay). With significant preparation (including repetitive leaching, boiling, and pounding), the seeds become edible as flour or meal, similarly to acorns.
California buckeyes are drought tolerant, fast growing, and highly effective reproductively, making them extremely well adapted to their environment. To propagate some on your own property, simply take a seed and plant it about 1” deep – it will rapidly develop a large and robust taproot and can grow up to 10” a year, making a lovely landscaping attraction.
This image shows the Bucktail channel rehabilitation site in April 2019, three years after construction. This image illustrates a pond with a beaver dam analogue in the location of a former gravel quarry that is connected to the river by a perennial side channel (lower right), a main channel that reoccupied a channel that filled in after Trinity Dam was completed (top of photo), and an alcove with perennial flow (second channel from top). The variety of water depths, velocities, and temperatures resulting from the project are intended to provide good rearing conditions for all anadromous fish species that may use the site. Photo by A. Martin, Yurok Tribal Fisheries Dept., 2019.
A Brief Introduction to Thermal Ecology of the Trinity River
Rivers, particularly those in Mediterranean climates, are extremely complicated systems (see figure 1). Water temperatures in unregulated rivers vary over time and space. They tend to be warm in the summer, cold in the winter, colder in the headwaters than in downstream reaches, and colder at the bottom of slowly moving, deep pools. Temperatures in tributaries often differ from mainstem rivers and create even more variability in the system. This complexity ‘muddies the water’ when the topic of water temperatures comes up in conversation or when making flow management decisions. To complicate matters more, dams and diversions strongly affect water temperatures, especially how they change over time and space, so river managers have invested heavily [1] in understanding riverine thermal patterns to better maintain water temperatures needed by fish and wildlife.
Figure 1. Reproduced from: J. Eli Asarian, Kyle De Juilio, David Gaeuman, Seth Naman, and Todd Buxton. (2023). Synthesizing 87 years of scientific inquiry into Trinity River water temperatures. 80 p. + appendices. Prepared for the Trinity River Restoration Program, Weaverville, California.
It is well known that native Trinity River salmonids – Coho, spring and fall Chinook, and winter and summer steelhead – generally require ‘cold’ water. However, Trinity River ecology is more complex than that, as salmonid temperature needs vary by species and life stage. When speaking in generalities, there are a few truths. Mortality is likely if daily average water temperatures reach 73°F (23°C) for young and mature salmonids alike, however, if adult salmonids can access cooler water and don’t encounter other stressors they can survive. When salmonids are young and food is unlimited, optimal growth in freshwater occurs between 55°F-65°F (12°C-18°C), and seasonal runs of adult Chinook salmon stop migrating upstream when temperatures exceed about 68°F (20°C). Among salmonids, Coho eggs are the most sensitive to temperature while they develop in the gravel during the winter months. Optimal temperatures range from 36°F-44°F (2.5°C-6.5°C). Survival rates begin to decline at temperatures above 50°F (10°C).
When a river is dammed, water pools behind it and is exposed to sunlight and warm air, and the water inevitably warms. Water that is too warm directly kills salmon. Conversely, with cooler water, salmonids also have a threshold as low temperatures slow growth and can enhance conditions for some diseases, and mask environmental cues for migration. Since cooler waters do not directly kill salmonids and since the degradation of cooler temperatures affects out migrating young salmon vs adult salmon, managers have been conserving salmon in dam-regulated rivers as cold as possible. Doing this is straightforward: release water from deep in the lake (where water is colder than at the top), and release as much of this cold water as is necessary to keep the tailwater at the desired temperature downstream to the desired point. However, from empirical data, we know that rivers within a Mediterranean climate warm in the summer. In fact, the seminal fisheries investigation on the Trinity River [2] documented summer surface water temperatures of about 80°F (27°C) in the Lewiston area, and simultaneously salmon were present and thriving in this environment. Anecdotal reports from long-time Trinity County residents also suggest that very low flows, “to the point that one could walk across the river”, in places, without getting wet – were frequent and salmonids were able to handle these conditions just fine. Coincidentally, these warmer, slower flows were also needed by other aquatic species that co-evolved with salmonids such as the foothill yellow-legged frog and western pond turtle whom we have seen decline in dammed rivers due to higher summer flows and colder temperatures.
Fish biologists will tout the natural warming of a river found in Mediterranean-climates as a benefit because warm summer waters stop upstream salmon migration. Thermal barriers separate the spring and fall Chinook runs and minimize interbreeding between the runs. This is important because when individuals from these two runs interbreed, their adult offspring are rewired to begin their upstream migration in the hottest months of the summer [3] and depending on the year these re-wired fish can enter into poor to very poor river conditions.
Managers can achieve a cold river by one of two ways. Using the current system they release lots of water (450cfs) from the deep in the reservoir and keep the river cold. This large mass of cold water gradually and uniformly warms as it goes downstream. The second management system would be to release less cold water to promote stratification, and have both warm and cold water in close proximity to each other for a long ways downstream. For many years, public opinion and legal requirements, informed by our limited understanding of how rivers work, has favored the former strategy. In the future, an ever-shrinking water supply, a better understanding of thermal ecology, and perhaps a need to conserve other species along with salmonids, requires each of us to explore the latter.
J. Eli Asarian, Kyle De Juilio, David Gaeuman, Seth Naman, and Todd Buxton. (2023). Synthesizing 87 years of scientific inquiry into Trinity River water temperatures. 80 p. + appendices. Prepared for the Trinity River Restoration Program, Weaverville, California.
Neil F. Thompson, Eric C. Anderson, Anthony J. Clemento, Matthew A. Campbell, Devon E. Pearse, James W. Hearsey, Andrew P. Kinziger, and John Carlos Garza. (2020). A complex phenotype in salmon controlled by a simple change in migratory timing. Science, 370 (6516)
Carter, Katharine (2008). Effects of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen/Total Dissolved Gas, Ammonia, and pH on Salmonids – Implecations for California’s North Coast TMDLs.
Concerning news of spring chinook infected with an undiagnosed gill infection have been reported at higher rates than years prior and has the attention of agencies, anglers and those on the river. Although the average rates and the location of these reports have been concerning, some daily rates of reported infections have been alarming and have definitely garnered the attention of regulatory agencies. The evidence of disease is somewhat surprising because upper river temperatures are not exceptionally high. A key differentiating factor hypothesized by fish biologists, may be that the heavy sediment and ash loads from thunderstorms in June may have damaged the gills of the spring chinook that were making their way upriver at that time, stressing them and thus making them vulnerable to disease.
It is helpful to know that there are several advisory groups that meet regularly to discuss Trinity & Klamath River conditions. The KFHAT (Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team) evaluates current conditions and meets weekly and/or as needed throughout the summer and fall period. The Klamath Flow Augmentations Releases (FARs) group meets bi-weekly (or as needed) and are meant to protect migrating salmon in the summer and fall months, when conditions can become poor in the lower Klamath River. The flows, water temperature, fish observations, and disease rates are all monitored using data collected by several partnering agencies such as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Hoopa Valley Tribe and Yurok Tribe to determine if a FAR recommendation is needed.
Fish can catch disease if they are stressed and there are several factors that play into this (water quality: including turbidity and temperature, lamprey predation, being handled or caught, etc.). Experts are in agreement that water temperatures at Lewiston are good, around 53 F, which is about 3-4 F cooler than last year. Overall, water temperatures and flows in the upper Trinity River appear suitable for adults and would not be expected to cause gill lesions alone.
To monitor temperatures, there are currently four locations that upload to the USGS website located at Lewiston Dam, Douglas City*, North Fork Trinity River, and in Hoopa. You can view all of these temperature readings by clicking the corresponding links below. The links will also show last year’s (2022) temperature readings for contrast. We see river temps rise this time of year and should start to see them fall slowly down as day lengths shorten – typically starting in August.
Those involved will continue to discuss any appropriate recommendations for responses to this issue, should a response be warranted. They will continue to monitor the situation and meet to discuss new information in the coming days.
*The Douglas City temperature gauge is now functioning. A replacement from USGS was administered and real time temperature readings came back on-line the morning of July 18. While the gauge that uploads to the internet in real time was damaged, data was still being collected at this site.
Lightning strike in the Trinity Alps Wilderness during a set of summer thunderstorms in 2023. [Photo credit: Anonymous]
Sediment and Summer Thunderstorms
Thunderstorms and sudden cloudbursts are common in the mountains during the summer. Following a wildfire, they can have dramatic results, especially after a dry year without significant rainfall. A single downpour can set a mountain stream roaring, sending a puff of suspended sediment downstream to wash into the river below. Usually this passes quickly, leaving little trace. Significant rainfall and subsequent runoff normally occur in fall or winter. However, an unexpectedly intense storm directly following a wildfire in 2022 lead to a natural disaster on the Klamath River. In August, heavy rain flooded an area burned by the McKinney fire, California’s largest wildfire that started in July that same summer, resulting in an enormous plume of sludge and debris that killed thousands of fish.1
Sediment is usually mobilized by the large storm systems that come in fall and winter during the rainy season, but a burned landscape is much more vulnerable. Wildfires cause loss of canopy vegetation as well as changes to soil properties. Storms can result in more water flowing over the land, leading to flooding and erosion, while delivering sediment, ash, pollutants, and debris to surface water.2 All that mobilized debris can choke small creeks and block local drainages, turning rivers into muddy, churning maelstroms. And even after the water clears, the excess fine sediment can fill in pore spaces between cobbles where fish lay their eggs (redds), suffocating eggs and aquatic larvae on the bottom; it can also clog and abrade the gills of mature fish.3
While erosion is a natural process, its effects on rivers and streams are highly variable, and the increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires is changing that dynamic. Ongoing research by agencies like the U.S. Geological Survey is shedding new light on wildfire’s impact on soil and water.
Soil properties can change dramatically due to fire. For example, metals can be volatilized and rained down or deposited by ash, and the structures that burn can introduce all sorts of other materials into the mix. Each watershed reacts uniquely to wildfire. Topography, including slope, affects how much erosion occurs. The type of vegetation (or structures) burned and what was in the soil itself affect what ends up in the surface water. And the mechanics of the fire, like how hot the fire burned and how much of the watershed burned, affect what is in the runoff.4
When rains hit, the tremendous amounts of ash and sediment that wash into rivers and reservoirs cause physical disruptions. In addition to the large-scale runoff (landslides and debris flows), smaller-scale runoff increases the amount of fine sediment suspended in water. Sedimentation also decreases the water quality itself by changing the amount and type of dissolved organic matter (DOM). Fire releases nitrogen stored in plants and trees. Geochemists have also found that different trees release different metals, in different concentrations, when burned. For example, when a ponderosa pine burns it releases whatever metals it has absorbed from the soil and air, like iron and manganese. An aspen or spruce might emit more vanadium, lead, magnesium, or copper.5
Salmon redds are most vulnerable during and after spawning season, which starts in October. The first big storm in the Trinity Alps came in October of 2022. Deadwood Creek and Dutch Creek, tributaries to the Trinity River, dumped a ton of sediment into the mainstem that had failed to mobilize in the previous drought years. Deadwood Creek sits high up in the managed river system where some of the heaviest spawning takes place. At the time of the storm, the Trinity River itself was still at baseflow (300 cubic feet per second), so it did not have the momentum to carry the sediment very far and it settled closer to the mouth of the creek, smothering a number of redds.
The solution? Once the eggs have hatched out in the spring, most fish can usually swim away from pulse-disturbances and pollution as long as their movements are not restricted by barriers like road crossings, dams and culverts. TRRP is helping fund watershed projects that limit the sources of excess sediment and remove barriers to migration to give fish more ability to escape difficult conditions. These include the Supply Creek Berm removal project and the Carr Fire Recovery & Sediment Reduction Project, as well as the planned Oregon Gulch Culvert Replacement and East Branch East Weaver Creek Migration Barrier Removal.6 A proposal to synchronize winter storm events with flows out of the dam would help keep tributary sediment from piling up at creek mouths during storm events. The TRRP is also looking to support more projects that emphasize fire resiliency. Restoring the river and its watershed is the ongoing mission of the TRRP.
California hazel (Corylus cornuta subsp. californica)
California hazel is a native shrub that grows in the moist shade of forest understory and riparian areas. The leaves are soft and fuzzy, and fall off during the winter (deciduous). During the winter months, the plants produce male flowers, called catkins, along with quaint red female flowers on the same plant. Once pollinated, the female flowers will very slowly develop into a pair of seeds. The seed husks are extremely bristly (like fiberglass) and have long beaks to them, giving this plant one of its common names, “beaked hazelnut”.
Hazelnuts don’t ripen until the later summer/early fall, and often, just one (or none) of each pair will make it all the way to maturity. Hazelnuts are tantalizing food stuffs for an assortment of critters, from insects, to small rodents, to birds, to large mammals. Humans are no exception – native hazelnuts roasted on the woodstove make a delicious winter treat. To harvest, however, we humans have to use our wit to outcompete the hungry critters, who will devotedly devour every hazel in sight if given the opportunity.
The historical relationship between humans and hazels is much more multi-faceted than mere consumption. Native Americans who share a range with this plant, including the Hupa, Yurok, Wintu and Chimiariko tribes have long utilized hazels in basketry and fiber-making. In the Hupa language, there is a different word for each of these applications. K’ila:jonde’ translates to ‘hazel’ or ‘hazelnut’, while tł’ohsch’il’e:n means ‘hazel brush switches’ or ‘hazel bush’. If separated from the plant, a hazel stick itself is referred to as miq’ik’itł’oy’, and the verb for twisting a hazel withe to make it flexible is k’iq’e:n.
California hazels are just one of the important characters that constitute our local flora; healthy ecosystems are comprised of a great diversity of native plant species. Stay tuned to learn more about local native plants and their ecological roles!
Photo top left: A hazelnut growing on the shrub. An unfertilized/undeveloped hazelnut is seen on the left.
Photo top middle: This old, twisted hazel branch would not be suitable for basket making.
Photo top right: An unripe hazelnut has been knocked onto the ground, but amazingly has not been consumed yet.
Photo bottom left: An immature hazelnut that has been foraged by local wildlife.
On June 16, The Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service announced 11 projects totaling $6 million to be awarded as part of three Klamath Basin Salmon Restoration grant programs and 4 of the 11 aforementioned projects will be administered in the Trinity River watershed. The 4 projects selected will improve aquatic habitat by reducing fine sediment delivery, improving fish passage, and pursuing increases to tributary flows in the dry season in tributaries of the Trinity River. We congratulate the grantees and are excited to see the outcome of each project. Please read below to learn about each grantee, proposal and award amounts. To find the full Klamath 2023 Grant Slate from the NFWF website, please click here.
Deadwood Creek Sediment Reduction Project (CA) Grantee: Northwest California Resource Conservation & Development Council Grant Amount:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98,900 Matching Funds:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,800 Total Project Amount:. . . . . . . . . . . . $104,700 Prevent sediment delivery to Deadwood Creek, a major tributary to the Trinity River, to improve anadromous salmonid habitat. The project will remove legacy mine tailings from Mill Gulch, decommission Thorne Gulch Road, install and enhance 12 rolling or critical dips, remove abandoned vehicles and debris from stream channels and floodplains, install a gate to prevent further damage and build stream enhancement features in Thorne Gulch.
Photo: Deadwood Creek after the Carr Fire in 2018. (TRRP)
Douglas City Community Services District Feasibility Study for Fish Habitat Improvement in Trinity River Tributaries (CA) Grantee: Watershed Research and Training Center Grant Amount:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $78,800 Matching Funds:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,600 Total Project Amount:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $84,400 Assess the economic feasibility of creating and maintaining a community services district (CSD) to provide a stable water supply to residents in rural Douglas City (Trinity County, California) to leave water instream for improved habitat connectivity for steelhead, coho and Chinook salmon in Browns and Reading creeks, tributaries to the Trinity River. The project would assist in determining if a CSD is an economically viable option to achieve environmental and community benefits under an increasingly dry climate.
Map provided by Watershed Research and Training Center.
East Weaver Creek Dam Removal and Intake Relocation Phase II (CA) Grantee: Northwest California Resource Conservation & Development Council Grant Amount:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120,600 Matching Funds:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 Total Project Amount:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120,600 Remove a complete barrier to aquatic species including the threatened Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast coho salmon and restore fish passage to approximately 2.5 miles of cold-water habitat. The project will enable upstream fish migration for all life stages of all fish species in East Weaver Creek, tributary to the Trinity River.
Photo of the East Weaver Creek Dam provided by Northwest California Resource Conservation & Development Council.
Indian Creek Fish Passage Barrier Removal Feasibility Project (CA) Grantee: Yurok Tribe Grant Amount:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $184,800 Matching Funds:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,000 Total Project Amount:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $195,800 Evaluate conditions that create a barrier to anadromous fish passage throughout a reach of Indian Creek, a tributary to the Trinity River, with a constriction point in the Indian Creek valley. The project will create a shovel-ready project to remove a significant barrier to fish passage and reopen 7.5 miles of stream and 85 acres of habitat suitable for threatened Southern Oregon/Northern California coast coho salmon, among other aquatic species.
Photo of the Indian Creek restoration area provided by the Yurok Tribe.