Blue Elderberries (Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea)

Blue elderberries, native to California, grow throughout the Northwest and are found here in Trinity and Humboldt Counties. These trees are known for their dainty elderflowers, nutritious elderberries, and hard, hollow wood. Indigenous people have long maintained relationships with elderberries. This food source carries medicinal benefits, famously made into elderberry syrup to promote a healthy immune system and
fight respiratory illnesses.

Photo adapted from Pinnacles National Park, National Park Gallery.

Animals, too, enjoy the berries as they ripen in the summer months. Elderberry trees serve as habitat for native bees and the valley elderberry longhorn beetle, because of the spongy tissue of their twigs. This pithiness also makes the wood uniquely amenable to crafting cultural materials, like arrows and flutes. Tribal practices, like cultural burning, ensure longevity and health of elderberry bushes.

What’s in a name?

Local Indigenous languages all have names for elderberries

  • Ch’iwhiwh
  • yúxaas
  • ta’amo’ ‘wer-nerh
  • luu-k’vm’

In Hupa, ch’iwhiwh means elderberries. Much like German, Hupa words build description. So ‘elderberries’ translates literally to ‘what one sips through,’ and bears information about how the wood was used.

Yúuxas, in Karuk, means elderberry. Yúuxas ánav means elderberry medicine.

In Yurok, elderberries is ta’amo’ ‘wer-nerh. Ta’amo’ meaning elderberry bush, and nerh a shortened form of nerhpery, berry.

In Tolowa, blue elderberry is luu-k’vm’ and red elderberry is chvn-su’lh.

Indigenous plant names reflect the relationship that group has built with that plant. Some ask, why learn a lesser spoken language? Here is one of the many reasons to do so. Indigenous languages have grown around the environments their speakers lived in, and the needs, wants, and interests of those speakers. So being, they are laden with Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). The vocabulary regarding elderberries, for every Indigenous language, expresses a unique worldview. When used, the line between generations of elderberry enthusiasts flows complete.

When and How to Pick

Blue elderberries will flower in the late spring. This is a good time to identify the
locations of your nearby trees, as they won’t stick out quite so much once the flowers
fall. Flower heads can be clipped and dried. Elderflowers have a “diaphoretic quality
which lowers fever (LaPena et al.).” “Fresh or dried, the flowers are steeped to make a
potent tea to reduce fever (Karuk Tribe et al.).” It is pertinent to remove all stems, as
only the flowers and berries can be consumed. Berries will ripen later in the summer.
Typically, they ripen earlier inland and later on the coast.


I’m a beginner when it comes to picking elderberries. I’ve learned to only pick them when they’re ripe, when the whole flower head has dark blue or dusty grey berries. Any green berries should not be consumed. Go elderberry picking when there is lots of light and good visibility. To pick berries, it is practical to clip heads of berries and later comb them from their stems. As a general rule, don’t take too many from one tree. Leave some for the birds.


Elderberries can be used in an array of baked goods, syrups, and jams, and can also be dried and eaten. Avoid eating fresh berries as they can cause nausea, easily done as you might find they’re not so sweet.

Works Cited

  • Karuk Tribe. “Uxraah: Native Edible Berries.” G8L2NativeEdibleBerries_booklet, United States Department of Agriculture, Accessed 14 Oct. 2024.
  • LaPena, Sage, et al. “Indigenous Perspectives on Elderberry Uses – California Elderberries.” University of California Agriculture and Nature Resources, University of California, Accessed 14 Oct. 2024.
  • Lowry, Judith Larner. “Blue Elderberry.” California Foraging, Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, 2014, pp. 57–59.
  • Unless otherwise noted, all photos were generously provided by Muriel Ammon.

Muriel Ammon

Muriel Ammon (Tsnungwe, Hopi) is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Southwest Institute of Montessori Studies. Ammon is passionate about Indigenous language revitalization. She has many Hupa language teachers, including her dad, Verdena Parker, and Melodie George-Moore. One of her favorite parts of learning Hupa is connecting to the plants and animals in her backyard. 

Other Work

Ammon, Muriel. News from Native California. Picking Elderberries Like Squirrels. September 20, 2024

Grey Pine (Pinus sabiniana)

Common names: Grey pine (most common), ghost pine, foothill pine, Sabine pine, bull pine or grey leaf pine.

Adapted to the long, hot, dry summers of our Mediterranean climate, the grey pine is endemic to California and prolificates within the ring of foothills that surround California’s Central Valley. It fairs well in rocky well-drained soils yet also grows in heavy, poorly drained clay soils. The species commonly occurs with Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii) which creates a unique partnership that is described as “Oak/Foothill Pine vegetation” and is indicative of the grey pine which provides a sparse overstory above the canopy of an oak woodland. The partnership in itself is the preferred habitat to black-tailed deer, California quail, as well as mourning dove and describes a characteristic within the California chaparral and woodlands ecoregion, of which Trinity County is part [1].

Photo published on The Gymnosperm Database. A tree at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden, California [C.J. Earle, 2004.04.13].

The grey pine is easily identifiable with pale grey-green needles that are sparse and a bit droopy. When looking from afar a grey pine is easily spotted by his smoky, wistful coloration. The structure of P. sabiniana tends to be a bit scrappy with its center trunk splitting sometimes several times, often bending every which way, versus holding a typical stature. Also easily identifiable are the seed cones which are among the largest produced by any pine species, when fresh weighing on average between 1-1.5 pounds. One particular source noted that, “The large, heavy cones resemble footballs covered with wooden spikes. It is best to avoid the pine groves on windy days.” [2] The cones tend to be full of sticky sap and are also home to a plethora of nutritious seeds enjoyed by many animal species, such as Steller’s jay, the scrub jay, grey squirrels and humans. The seeds have an impressive percentage of calories in the form of protein, fat and carbohydrates and provide several essential minerals to those who forage it [3].

This species is the principal host for the dwarf mistletoe Arceuthobium occidentale a perennial parasitic herb that is native to California [2]. Dwarf mistletoe is considered a disease that the tree can succumb to typically causing reduced tree vigor or death. If you have grey pines near your structures and the parasite is left uncontrolled, infection can increase sixty-fold within a window of 10 years [3].

Photo of dwarf mistletoe originally posted in the CalPhotos Database. Zoya Akulova 2008.

John Muir, describes this tree in the first chapter of My First Summer in the Sierra: “June 4. … This day has been as hot and dusty as the first, leading over gently sloping brown hills, with mostly the same vegetation, excepting the strange-looking Sabine pine (Pinus sabiniana), which here forms small groves or is scattered among the blue oaks. The trunk divides at a height of fifteen or twenty feet into two or more stems, outleaning or nearly upright, with many straggling branches and long gray needles, casting but little shade. In general appearance this tree looks more like a palm than a pine. The cones are about six or seven inches long, about five in diameter, very heavy, and last long after they fall, so that the ground beneath the trees is covered with them. They make fine resiny, light-giving camp-fires, next to ears of Indian corn the most beautiful fuel I’ve ever seen.”[2]

Photo published on The Gymnosperm Database. Small stand in the southern Santa Lucia Range, California [C.J. Earle, 2007.03.01].

The ethnobotanical uses of the grey pine are impressive with uses ranging from cultural to functional to nutritional. Although there are documented uses for all parts of the tree from sap to needle, primarily the seed gets the most attention. Seeds are noted to be gathered fresh, as well as roasted, boiled or pounded for porridge [5]. The hull of the seed is also used as a bead to decorate traditional dresses used for ceremony. Follow this link to read the lengthy, impressive list of all documented uses.

Photo published on The Gymnosperm Database. Ripe cone in situ; Bodfish area, California [C.J. Earle, 2014.01.17].

References & Further Reading

  1. Wikipedia, Pinus sabiniana
  2. Pinus sabiniana (gray pine) description – The Gymnosperm Database (
  3. Pinus sabiniana (
  4. The Sierra Club. John Muir Exhibit, My First Summer in the Sierra. Chapter 1
  5. BRIT – Native American Ethnobotany Database

Plant Spotlight: Milkweed

While there are dozens of milkweed species and subspecies in North America, within the Trinity River Watershed there are four documented species, including showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) narrowleaf milkweed (Asclepias fascicularis), heart leaf milkweed (Asclepias cordifolia) (DeCamp, 2021, p. 294, 362) and the rare lesser seen serpentine milkweed (Asclepias solanoana) (Kauffman, 2022, p. 155). Each type has unique leaf sets and structure topped with wonderful showy flowers and dramatically large seed pods that propagate via wind in the fall. The flowers are a haven for area pollinators and the plant itself plays a critical role in the majestic monarch butterfly migration. In our region, monarch butterflies, generally choose one type of milkweed, showy milkweed (A. speciosa), to lay their eggs and because of this, the availability and frequency of the plant along the monarch’s migratory path are critical to it’s survival (Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper, 2024).

Photo: Heart leaf milkweed (A. cordifolia) has matured it’s showy seed pods in the Trinity Alps. [Kiana Abel, TRRP]

A monarch’s annual lifecycle goes through upwards of 4 generations during migration. Migration north (and east for western monarchs) happens typically between March and August each year. During migration, an adult female will lay eggs on the underside of young healthy milkweed leaves, hatch, eat, crystallize and repeat. As summer progresses, roughly in the third or fourth generation the western monarch will eventually turn south and west to return to their overwintering sites on the California coast (and in some cases Mexico).

Image originally posted on Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper

All species of milkweeds are characteristic of the milky sap in their stems and leaves which contain a lethal brew of cardenolides (heart poison). If grazed, animals and insects are served a warning with distasteful, hairy leaves. If ingested, a grazer is confronted with vomiting and potentially death in higher doses. The negative effect on agricultural livestock like sheep and cows led farmers and agriculturalists toward eradication efforts. Over time, the combination of increased land use and herbicide led to a significant decline in available milkweed, with monarch populations following suit.

Showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) cultivated in the Weaverville Community Garden. [Kiana Abel, TRRP]

The handful of insects that do eat the plant are all incredibly colorful which in-turn serves as a warning to their predator’s (Monarch Joint Venture, 2024). If a monarch caterpillar were to be eaten it’s predator will encounter a nasty taste and hopefully drop it’s prey. For the majority of insects like bees, moths and other butterflies the main attraction to milkweed is the flower which provides nectar during a time in the summer when most other flowers have spent. For each type of milkweed found, the flowers are showy, intricate and are certainly worth a close-up look.

Showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) a pollinators delight. [Kiana Abel, TRRP]

Milkweed has proved useful to people as well. Ethnobotanists have documented historic and current use of the plant in fiber, food and medicine in the United States and Canada. Milkweeds supply tough fibers for making cords, ropes as well as for course cloth. Native Californian tribes use the plant for all the purposes listed above. In one documented case of a Sierra Miwok woven deer net, the trap measured 40 feet in length and contains some 7,000 feet of cordage, which would have required the harvest of 35,000 plant stalks. Among Californian Native tribes, the most common documentation of use was to obtain a kind of chewing gum from the sap of showy milkweed (A. speciosa). The sticky white sap is heated slightly until it becomes solid, then added to salmon or deer gristle (Stevens, M., 2006).

Narrowleaf milkweed (A. fascicularis) found near the Trinity River in Big Flat in July 2024. [Kiana Abel, TRRP]

The decline of wild milkweed plants as well as the majestic monarch butterfly has spawned a cultivation movement to encourage everyday gardeners to plant. If you reader, would like to cultivate milkweed in your pollinator garden, make sure to plant it in a location where it can expand. In suitable conditions, milkweed can outcompete other plants and on occasion infrastructure such as plant boxes or walkways. A second consideration is where the location of where you’d like to plant in accordance with the migratory path of the monarch. If you are in a costal overwintering area, it is more beneficial to monarchs to plant nectar plants versus nursery plants. A planting of A. speciosa may falsely signal that they are in a location fit for reproduction leading to a disruption in their migration cycle.

The rare serpentine milkweed (A. solanoana) Copyright © 2011 Shasta-Trinity National Forest – Originally posted on – view the A. solanoana gallery here.

When you’ve picked the best species for your area you can propagate milkweed from seed or rhizome. Collect seeds from pods once they have ripened, but prior to splitting open. Experienced cultivators planting in high elevation or colder climates have documented higher success rates with seed by using a cold treatment for three months and then planting directly into the ground the first fall after collection (Stevens, M., 2006). Propagation by rhizome is also easy and reliable. Create cuttings when the plant is dormant and make sure the rhizome has at least one forming root bud. Success is also dependent on on timing. Harvest or divide plants at the beginning of the rainy season and plant them in the ground by late fall so they can develop enough root growth to survive the winter. Irrigation in the first year will improve survival, and by the second year the root system should be well enough established so plants will survive on their own (Stevens, M., 2006).


  1. DeCamp, K., Kierstead. J., Knorr, J. (2021) Wildflowers of California’s Klamath Mountains (Michael Kaufmann) (Second Edition). Backcountry Press.
  2. Kauffmann, M., Garwood, J. (2022) The Klamath Mountains: A natural history. (First Edition). Backcountry Press.
  3. Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper (2024) Western Monarch Biology: The monarch Life Cycle
  4. Monarch Joint Venture (2024) Monarch Annual Lifecycle
  5. Stevens, M. (2006) NRCS Plant Guide: Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service.
  6. How to Grow and Care for Common Milkweed (


Ciesla, B. (2015) Milkweeds: Fascinating Plants, Home to Colorful Insects Colorado State University Extension Master Gardener in Larimer County.

Stevens, M. (2006) NRCS Plant Guide: Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Asclepias sp. Milkweed Native American Ethnobotany Data Base. A Database of Foods, Drugs, Dyes and Fibers of Native American Peoples, Derived from Plants.

US Forest Service: Monarch Butterfly Biology United States Department of Agriculture US Forest Service

Serpentine milkweed (Asclepias solanoana) Calscape California Native Plant Society

Plant Spotlight: Common Woolly Sunflower

Common Woolly Sunflower

Eriophyllum lanatum var. grandiflorum

The Woolly Sunflower is a common attraction along the Trinity River corridor and watershed. In our area, viewers can see it in a few different varieties split between high and low country. The low country version is found in large colonies exposed to dry and hot conditions. Viewers commonly see it along roadsides defying logic by clinging to rocky cliffs showing off their sweet yellow pedals and silvery leaves and stems.

Photo of a patch of Common Woolly Sunflower taken near Burnt Ranch, generously provided by Veronica Yates.

Eriophyllum lanatum is a perennial herb native to western North America. It has long, thin stems with small pinnately lobed, green leaves and small, yellow flowers. When you get up close and personal you notice a few unique characteristics. Prior to the bloom, the tips of the flower buds turn a sweet reddish purple and the silvery color of the stem and underside of the leaves is actually a layer of tiny hairs. These hairs serve a specific purpose for the plant and act to conserve water by reflecting heat and reducing air movement across the leaves surface [1]

Photo: taken at the Oregon Gulch Restoration Site. E. lanatum was a part of the seed mix dispersed post restoration as part of the revegetation efforts by Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries. Photo generously provided by Veronica Yates.

This perennial plant’s bloom is prolific and prolonged typically beginning in March and lasting sometimes into August making it of special value to native bees, butterflies, and other important pollinators who are attracted by the bright yellow sunflower-like pedals. Due to this wildflower’s showy nature as well as its excellent tolerance to drought, it makes for a terrific addition to cultivated butterfly gardens. It can be propagated by seed, cuttings or by inquiring to purchase from your local nursery [2].

Flowers in bloom, Credit: wikipedia
Side view of flower, Credit: wikipedia

The woolly sunflower has been recorded to be used by the people of the Miwok tribe (California) to sooth aching parts of the body by making a poultice of the leaves; the Skagit (Washington) rub the leaves on skin to prevent chapping; and the Chehalis (Washington) use the dried flowers as a love charm [3].


  1. Wikipedia, Eriophyllum lanatum
  2. NRCS,, Propagation Protocol Eriphyllum lanatum
  3. Native American Ethnobotany Database 2011, Eriphyllum lanatum

Trinity River Plant Spotlight: Water fern

Water fern (Azolla filiculoides)

There are various native plant species that cover the surface of stagnant or slow-moving water. One of these species is called water fern (Azolla filiculoides). Not to be confused with algae, Azolla is an aquatic vascular plant with a very shallow root system that grows on the water surface rather than in the water column. True to its name, it is a type of fern. Typically, the plant is bright or dark green, making the water appear to be covered in “pond scum”, but this plant is anything but scum. As a stress reaction, Azolla can turn a deep red-amber color, appearing dead or dormant. Despite the discreet and unassuming nature of this unusual plant, it has some mind-blowing properties, including the ability to purify water and fix nitrogen.

Nitrogen is often a limiting nutrient for primary producers because atmospheric nitrogen (N2) is not readily utilized by plants. As a result, many plants (such as those in the pea family, Fabaceae) have evolved the ability to “fix” nitrogen by converting it to an accessible form of nitrogen (NH4+). Some plants do this with the help of bacterial partners, as is the case with red alder (Alnus rubra) and specific bacteria, which partner to produce root nodules. In return for providing a home, the actinomycetes share some of their usable nitrogen with the red alder. While this activity occurs in the roots of the host plant, excessive nutrients are leaked into the surrounding environment, thus providing bioavailable nitrogen to other plant species and improving soil fertility within the red alder ecosystem. Instead of partnering with a bacteria like red alder does, Azolla has a symbiotic relationship with a cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) species called Anabaena azollae. The Anabaena is housed within the leaves of Azolla, and in return, Azolla receives fixed nitrogen which is ultimately shared with the surrounding environment.

In addition to being able to contribute nutrients to the environment, Azolla has the ability to uptake metals as well as organic and inorganic pollutants from water. This process, known as phytoremediation, can take place via 4 different mechanisms. I’ll exclude the chemistry details here, but the important takeaway is that this little plant can extract toxic pollutants from water. Researchers are investigating the use of this plant in wastewater treatment facilities. There are countless more benefits and potential applications of Azolla to modern human civilization – including the potential to split water molecules and create energy. Azolla is endlessly interesting.

So how does Azolla affect our ecology here along the Trinity River? By covering slower moving bodies of water like ponds and backwater areas, it helps regulate water temperatures and provides habitat for cover-loving species. By the same mechanism, it also decreases habitat for mosquitos. It also serves as a food source for a wide variety of wildlife, from western pond turtles to waterfowl. These properties, combined with the ability to fix nitrogen and remove pollutants from water, make this easily over-looked water fern an important constituent of riparian and aquatic habitats.


Veronica Yates, Riparian Ecologist

Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries Department, Weaverville

Plant Spotlight: California buckeye

California buckeye (Aesculus californica)

California Buckeye

California buckeye (Aesculus californica) is a fast-growing species that grows below 4000 feet in dry slopes, canyons, and stream edges. Various species of buckeye grow throughout the world, but this is the only species that grows in California. Here in Trinity County, it seems to prefer the cooler and wetter parts of the region, mostly growing downriver towards Willow Creek or along moist riverbanks. They are a summer deciduous species and start to lose their leaves as early as July, turning crinkly and yellow and creating a seasonal stand-out display amongst the surrounding green riparian foliage.

Described as either a small tree or a large shrub, California buckeyes usually have multiple, gnarled trunks with smooth grey bark. One of the earliest riparian trees to leaf out in the spring, they ornately decorate the still dormant riparian area with large, dark green, palmately compound leaves. Soon thereafter, impressive clusters of whitish-pink flowers explode from the backdrop of tropical-looking leaves. Each cluster is primarily composed of male flowers, but towards the tip are a few functionally female flowers. This means that though each inflorescence contains several dozen blooms, they only manage to produce 1-2 seeds, which are rather large and somewhat resemble chestnuts (hence one of this plant’s common names, “horse chestnut”).

Buckeye seeds are known for being toxic to non-native bees. This is due to a neurotoxic glycoside called aesculin, which causes hemolysis (rupturing) of red blood cells. This not only affects hive species like honeybees – who take the pollen back to the hive and inadvertently poison their own queen – but it also affects humans and fish, causing symptoms like diarrhea, muscle weakness, lack of coordination and even paralysis. Thanks to coevolution, native bees and pollinators are unaffected by aesculin and savor the sweet nectar and pollen.

Native Americans have a cultivated relationship with buckeye seeds. In the Hupa language, the word for buckeye is la:whe’, and the seeds are believed to be a food of the pre-human immortals (k’ixinay). With significant preparation (including repetitive leaching, boiling, and pounding), the seeds become edible as flour or meal, similarly to acorns.

California buckeyes are drought tolerant, fast growing, and highly effective reproductively, making them extremely well adapted to their environment. To propagate some on your own property, simply take a seed and plant it about 1” deep – it will rapidly develop a large and robust taproot and can grow up to 10” a year, making a lovely landscaping attraction.

Veronica Yates, Riparian Ecologist

Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries Department, Weaverville

Plant Spotlight: California hazel

California hazel (Corylus cornuta subsp. californica)

California hazel is a native shrub that grows in the moist shade of forest understory and riparian areas. The leaves are soft and fuzzy, and fall off during the winter (deciduous). During the winter months, the plants produce male flowers, called catkins, along with quaint red female flowers on the same plant. Once pollinated, the female flowers will very slowly develop into a pair of seeds. The seed husks are extremely bristly (like fiberglass) and have long beaks to them, giving this plant one of its common names, “beaked hazelnut”.

Hazelnuts don’t ripen until the later summer/early fall, and often, just one (or none) of each pair will make it all the way to maturity. Hazelnuts are tantalizing food stuffs for an assortment of critters, from insects, to small rodents, to birds, to large mammals. Humans are no exception – native hazelnuts roasted on the woodstove make a delicious winter treat. To harvest, however, we humans have to use our wit to outcompete the hungry critters, who will devotedly devour every hazel in sight if given the opportunity.

The historical relationship between humans and hazels is much more multi-faceted than mere consumption. Native Americans who share a range with this plant, including the Hupa, Yurok, Wintu and Chimiariko tribes have long utilized hazels in basketry and fiber-making. In the Hupa language, there is a different word for each of these applications. K’ila:jonde’ translates to ‘hazel’ or ‘hazelnut’, while tł’ohsch’il’e:n means ‘hazel brush switches’ or ‘hazel bush’. If separated from the plant, a hazel stick itself is referred to as miq’ik’itł’oy’, and the verb for twisting a hazel withe to make it flexible is k’iq’e:n.

California hazels are just one of the important characters that constitute our local flora; healthy ecosystems are comprised of a great diversity of native plant species. Stay tuned to learn more about local native plants and their ecological roles!

Photo top left: A hazelnut growing on the shrub. An unfertilized/undeveloped hazelnut is seen on the left.

Photo top middle: This old, twisted hazel branch would not be suitable for basket making.

Photo top right: An unripe hazelnut has been knocked onto the ground, but amazingly has not been consumed yet.

Photo bottom left: An immature hazelnut that has been foraged by local wildlife.

Photo bottom right: Ripe hazelnuts.

Veronica Yates, Riparian Ecologist

Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries Department, Weaverville