Don Ashton

Don Ashton, Senior Aquatic Herpetologist/Ecologist – McBain Associates/Applied River Sciences

Don Ashton is a professional herpetologist and aquatic ecologist. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity and Master of Arts in Biology from Humboldt State University. For three decades, his research in the government and private sectors has focused on river restoration to support ecosystem function and inform land use and resource management decisions with a focus on Northwestern Pond Turtle and Foothill Yellow-legged Frog conservation.

2024 Science Symposium Presentation

Frogs and Turtles informing flow management and river restoration.

Day 2 of the Trinity River Restoration Program Science Symposium covered Habitat, Flow and Temperature. Listen in as Don Ashton, Senior Aquatic Herpetologist/Ecologist – McBain Associates/Applied River Sciences presents , “Frogs and Turtles informing flow management and river restoration.

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