John Buffington, Ph.D., Research Geomorphologist, U.S. Forest Service

John Buffington is a Research Geomorphologist with the U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station in Boise, Idaho. He graduated from the University of California Berkeley in 1988 with a B.A. in geology and from the University of Washington in 1995 and 1998 with M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in geomorphology.
He was a National Research Council Scholar from 1998-2000, a professor in the Center for Ecohydraulics Research at the University of Idaho from 2000-2004, editor of the Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface from 2015-2018 and has been an editorial board member of Hydrological Processes since 2015. His research focuses on fluvial and hillslope geomorphology of mountain basins, biophysical interactions, and the effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on aquatic habitat. He has been a member of the Program’s Science Advisory Board since 2010.
2024 Science Symposium Presentation
Stability of channel morphology and aquatic habitat in a changing climate: Implications for management of regulated rivers.
Day 3 of the Trinity River Restoration Program Science Symposium covered Physical Channel Form. Listen in as John Buffington, Ph.D., Research Geomorphologist, U.S. Forest Service gives his presentation titled, “Stability of channel morphology and aquatic habitat in a changing climate: Implications for management of regulated rivers.”