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ID: 2605

Pickard, D., J. Alvarez, K. De Juilio, L. Gogan, J. Lee, K. Lindke, S. Naman, C. Smith, N. Som, and P. Zedonis. 2023. Trinity River Restoration Program: Science Plan. Report for the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP). TRRP, Weaverville, California. Available:

[Edits made to the originally published document to fix two minor typos pg9 & pg40. Original publication November 21, 2022.]
"The purpose of this plan is to provide guidance on how the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP or Program) should conduct science to reduce critical management uncertainties and support the successful implementation of the Program strategies to achieve Program goals.
"The long-term goals of the Program are to: 1) restore the form and function of the Trinity River; 2) restore and sustain natural production of anadromous fish populations in the Trinity River to pre-dam levels; and 3) to facilitate full participation by dependent tribal, commercial, and sport fisheries through enhanced harvest opportunities. The TRRP strategy for accomplishing these goals is to restore the processes that produce a healthy alluvial river through a combination of five management actions mandated by the 2000 Trinity River Record of Decision (ROD): flow management; habitat rehabilitation; sediment management, watershed rehabilitation, and infrastructure improvements. The ROD also specifies implementation of an Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management program (AEAM; now commonly referred to as “adaptive management” or “AM”) to ensure the implementation of each of the five management actions listed above is based on the best available scientific information and analyses.
"This plan was collaboratively developed with technical representatives from Program partners including the: United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), State of California, Hoopa Valley Tribe, National Marine Fisheries Service, Trinity County, United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and Yurok Tribe; The United States Forest Service opted out. Significant forward progress was achieved in documenting learning to date and articulating remaining uncertainties. The Science Plan Drafting Committee identified science priorities, a combination of key uncertainties and core activities, which directly address the Program goals and provide focus for Phase 3. Technical details are included in appendices or referenced for brevity."
This plan was developed in response to the 2018 Headwaters report and is an attachment to the TRRP Program Document.

First Posted: 2023-05-05 17:45:53

Post Updated: 2024-05-16 20:13:07