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ID: 2632

Cramer Fish Sciences. 2024. Final Study Plan - Phase 1 [Limiting Factors Analysis]. Memorandum to Trinity River Restoration Program. Available:

Restoration actions in the Trinity River over the last 20+ years have been linked to increased Chinook juvenile production (as measured by abundance estimates at rotary screw traps with about 2.63 times increase in abundance), but corresponding increases in adult returns have not been detected (Pinnix et al. 2021). The TRRP devised a strategy to conduct a Limiting Factors Analysis (LFA) with the objective of identifying potential causes for the observed discrepancy between the high number of juvenile fish exiting the system and the lack of corresponding increase in adult returns to the Trinity River. The TRRP is employing a two-phased approach that includes development of LFA Study Plans with options for three levels of effort (Phase 1), and selection and completion of one LFA study plan option (Phase 2). 

This memo describes the outcomes of Phase 1 including the project kick-off meeting summary and outcomes (Task 3), data discovery and the revised life cycle diagram (Task 2), and the draft LFA Study Plan options (Task 4) developed in Phase 1.The initial draft was reviewed by the TAG and this is the final version that was revised based on provided comments.


First Posted: 2024-04-22 19:19:00

Post Updated: 2024-05-21 21:19:40