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ID: 2649
[3.17 MB] 5Cs (2024) EWeaverDam McKnightDitch.pdf
Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program (5Cs). 2024. East Weaver Creek Dam Intake Relocation & Dam Removal Project & McKnight Ditch Water Conservation Project. Report for the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP). 5Cs, Weaverville, California. Available: https://www.trrp.net/library/document?id=2649.
This grant funded two separate, but inter-related salmonid restoration projects located in the upper reaches of East Weaver Creek watershed. The projects resulted in the restoration of more than 2 cfs of previously diverted flows out of East Weaver Creek back into the stream. When fully completed the projects will both improve instream habitat for more than 3 miles downstream of East Weaver Creek Dam and open 2.5 miles of historically disconnected habitat upstream of the dam
First Posted: 2024-06-28 17:50:38
Post Updated: 2024-06-28 17:50:15