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ID: 2287
Alvarez, J., A. Martin, and D. Goodman. 2015. Chinook and coho salmon rearing habitat. Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) Performance Measure. TRRP, Weaverville, California. Available: https://www.trrp.net/library/document?id=2287.
Results: Figure 1 displays low flow (12.7 cms, 450 cfs) habitat density (or habitat area standardized by survey length) at three rehabilitation sites and indicates a range of habitat response through time. Habitat density increased at Sawmill after construction, but has decreased in subsequent years. Habitat density increased at Wheel Gulch due to construction, and has been increasing over time since construction. Preconstruction conditions were not documented at Valdor, however the habitat density is relatively low and has essentially remained unchanged through time. Figure 2 shows habitat density at a range of streamflows from three surveys at the Upper Dark Gulch rehabilitation site. Habitat at Upper Dark Gulch increased post-construction, but the shape of the flow-habitat curve remained unchanged. The 2011 high flow release caused major channel change at the site and the 2013 habitat survey demonstrated the largest increases we’ve observed (at a single site) thus far at the higher range of discharges surveyed. Figure 3 shows the annual estimated total and optimal presmolt rearing habitat available throughout the entire restoration reach from 2009 through 2013. The area estimates presented below indicate large changes in habitat area have not yet occurred in the restoration reach.
First Posted: 2016-05-10 01:50:49
Post Updated: 2016-05-10 01:50:49