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ID: 2563
[584.37 KB] Naman etal (2020) Juvenile Salmonid Temperature Target Review 20200114.pdf
Naman, S., K. De Juilio, and K. Osborne. 2020. Juvenile salmonid temperature target recommendations. Memorandum to Ken Lindke, Fish Work Group Coordinator. Trinity River Restoration Program, Weaverville, California. Available: https://www.trrp.net/library/document?id=2563.
Current temperature thresholds for the upper Trinity River can be found in the draft 1999 Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Restoration EIS, based on the recommendations provided in USFWS and HVT (1999). Additionally, State Water Resources Control Board Water Order 90-5 mandates Reclamation meet the temperature thresholds in Table 1 (excluding the July 1-September 14 threshold). The temperature thresholds in Table 1 were also adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region (CRWQCB-NCR 2011). These thresholds were developed and implemented to meet the needs of adult salmonids, particularly Chinook Salmon in the Sacramento River Basin. Currently, there are no water temperature objectives for the Upper Trinity River developed specifically for rearing salmonids. The current Trinity River temperature thresholds, developed for adult salmonids, were thought to be sufficient for rearing juvenile salmonids (USFWS and HVT 1999; Table 5.13), based on the information in Brett (1952).
First Posted: 2022-07-27 22:26:22
Post Updated: 2022-07-27 22:26:19