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ID: 2654

Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP). 2024. Trinity River Restoration Program Objectives and Targets Summary. TRRP, Weaverville, California. Available:

This is the finalization of the Objectives and Targets document reviewed and approved by the TMC in 2022.
The Trinity River Restoration Program’s main science, monitoring, and evaluation planning document, the Integrated Assessment Plan (TRRP and ESSA 2009) was completed over a decade ago. This document contained an extensive list of ecological objectives and associated assessments and was used by the Program for over a decade to guide the science program. In the years since its completion, the Program identified a need to refine, reduce, and reorganize its objectives. The Program began this process with a workshop held in 2013 (Appendix 1). The process stalled in the years after the workshop, but the need remained. The TRRP Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) provided fresh guidance to the technical workgroups in 2018 (Appendix 2), and for the next two years four TRRP workgroups (Fish, Flow, Physical, and Riparian and Aquatic Ecology) worked diligently to complete the exercise. The workgroups provided their recommendations to the IDT in January 2021, and this document summarizes the new set of objectives and associated targets. The purpose of this document is to provide information needed to support a recommendation from the IDT to the TMC to adopt the list of objectives and targets presented in Table 1. Some objectives and targets are still at a conceptual stage and are not yet complete, as TRRP scientists have expected. Therefore, this document is intended to be updated as objectives and targets are improved.
The summary is presented in five sections that follow this introduction. Four sections contain reports from the four workgroups in a consistent format. Each workgroup recommended a set of objectives and associated targets, and describe how the pre-existing set of objectives were reviewed, how the new list of objectives and targets were developed, and then described the new list of objectives and targets (definitions associated with this exercise are contained in Appendix 2). The last section describes “next steps”- how and when to prioritize the objectives and targets; how and when to update objectives and targets; and how to handle questions that come up during the review process, particularly the objectives and targets that are incomplete.
70 pages plus appendices.

First Posted: 2024-08-21 19:09:38

Post Updated: 2024-09-06 19:30:28