Trinity Management Council (TMC)
2008-06-16 07:00:00
2008-06-17 07:00:00
Point of Contact:
Draft Agenda:
[18.28 KB] Agenda_TMC_2008-06-16171.pdf
Trinity Management Council, Meeting Agenda, June 16-17, 2008, Victorian Inn Restaurant, Weaverville, CA
Published: -
Added: 2011-03-03 13:18:55
Updated: 2011-10-18 16:50:12.
Meeting Summary:
[52.18 KB] Minutes_TMC_2008-06-16171.pdf
Trinity Management Council, Meeting Minutes, June 16-17, 2008
Published: -
Added: 2011-03-04 11:44:32
Updated: 2011-10-18 16:50:12.
Mike Orcutt: Motion: The TMC recommends that the Bureau of Reclamation revise the Trinity project description in the Biological Assessment for Central Valley Project Operating Criteria and Plan related to water year determination for the Trinity River to be consistent with the ROD and May 5, 2006 Federal Register notice. Second by Tom Stokely.
Motion PASSED 6 / 0 / 1
Tom Stokey: Motion: The TMC recommends to the Bureau of Reclamation that it recognize that legal priority for Trinity River water is Trinity River fisheries and that it should be reflected in the BA for the CVP OCAP. Second by Mike Orcutt.
Motion PASSED 6 / 0 / 1
Tom Stokely: Motion for the TMC to change its operating procedures to require a simple majority vote. Second by Larry Hansen.
Motion status: other 4 / 4 / 0
Tom Stokely: Motion that the goal statement be adopted. Second by Bill Brock.
Motion PASSED 7 / 0 / 1
Tom Stokely: Motion to continue IAP process with help from professional facilitators, with funding for the position to come out of the $1.6M carryover from FY2008 to FY2009, and for the IAP Steering Committee to immediately forward policy issues for the TMC to resolve promptly, consistent with the Resolution Roundtable. Second by Larry Hansen.
Motion PASSED 8 / 0 / 0
Mike Orcutt: Motion: the TMC recommends that Department of Interior set aside $571,000 as a placeholder for funding of the Interagency (FWS, HVT, Yurok) Integrated Habitat Assessment Proposal in FY 2009. Second by Tom Stokely.
Motion PASSED 5 / 1 / 2
Motion PASSED 6 / 0 / 1
Tom Stokey: Motion: The TMC recommends to the Bureau of Reclamation that it recognize that legal priority for Trinity River water is Trinity River fisheries and that it should be reflected in the BA for the CVP OCAP. Second by Mike Orcutt.
Motion PASSED 6 / 0 / 1
Tom Stokely: Motion for the TMC to change its operating procedures to require a simple majority vote. Second by Larry Hansen.
Motion status: other 4 / 4 / 0
Tom Stokely: Motion that the goal statement be adopted. Second by Bill Brock.
Motion PASSED 7 / 0 / 1
Tom Stokely: Motion to continue IAP process with help from professional facilitators, with funding for the position to come out of the $1.6M carryover from FY2008 to FY2009, and for the IAP Steering Committee to immediately forward policy issues for the TMC to resolve promptly, consistent with the Resolution Roundtable. Second by Larry Hansen.
Motion PASSED 8 / 0 / 0
Mike Orcutt: Motion: the TMC recommends that Department of Interior set aside $571,000 as a placeholder for funding of the Interagency (FWS, HVT, Yurok) Integrated Habitat Assessment Proposal in FY 2009. Second by Tom Stokely.
Motion PASSED 5 / 1 / 2
First Posted: 2011-03-03 13:18:55
Post Updated: 2013-08-27 19:21:24