Event Details

Trinity Management Council (TMC)


2010-12-15 08:00:00
2010-12-16 08:00:00



Point of Contact:


Approved Minutes:

Directors Reports:

Draft Agenda:

Meeting Materials:


Dave Hillemeier made a motion to direct the fish work group to consider adding to the list of projects a plan to perform a limiting factor analysis on the South Fork Trinity spring chinook that would emphasize the use existing information, identify data gaps, identify bottlenecks, and identify short term solutions to help prevent a downward trend. This motion would be subject to concurrence of NEPA compliance and statutory authority. The motion was seconded by Roger Jaegel.
Motion PASSED 7 / 1 / 0

First Posted: 2011-04-03 08:56:30

Post Updated: 2013-09-20 21:53:11