Event Details

Trinity Management Council (TMC)


2005-12-13 08:00:00
2005-12-14 08:00:00



Point of Contact:


Draft Agenda:

  • Agenda

    Trinity Management Council, Meeting Agenda, December 13-14, 2005, Trinity County Library, Weaverville, CA

    Published: -
    Added: 2011-03-03 12:45:53
    Updated: 2011-10-18 16:50:12.

Meeting Summary:

  • Minutes

    Trinity Management Council, Meeting Minutes, December 13, 2005, Trinity County Library, Weaverville, CA

    Published: -
    Added: 2011-03-07 17:53:53
    Updated: 2011-10-18 16:50:12.


After discussion about the absence of the HVT at the meeting and their contributions to TMC, a motion was made by Hillemeier to send a letter to HVT expressing that the TMC appreciates their participation and thanking them for all of their contributions. Seconded by Lagomarsino. A friendly amendment was made by Schleusner to have all partners sign the letter instead of just the chair of the TMC. Amendment was approved by Lagramismo.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0
A draft letter was submitted by the a few members of the TMC to send to the HVT Council asking them to continue their TMC participation. The letter was reviewed and agreed upon. Hillemeier motioned that the TMC approve the letter to HVT and to just have the Chairman be the signatory. Manji seconded.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

Election of Officers - Manji motioned to nominated Mike Long as TMC chair. Roger Jaegel seconded the nomination and asked that nominations be closed on the matter and the vote be brought to the floor. Bill Brock nominated Irma Lagomarsino because she has enthusiasm, has been very participatory, and has contributed a lot in her 2 years involved in the program. Roger withdrew his motion to close nominations. Mike Long was unanimously elected TMC chair.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

Mike Long motioned to nominate Irma Lagomarsino as vice-chair of the TMC. Jaegel seconded the nomination. Irma Lagomarsino was unanimously elected as TMC vice-chair.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

FY2007 Budget Process Update - Jaegel made a motion to approve the recommendations for the 2007 budget process and the section on budgets beyond 2007. Person made a friendly amendment that the motion be approved as a foundation, subject to revision & modification. Jaegel accepted the amendment. Brock seconded the modified motion. Hillemeier and other TMC members agreed with the proposed changes; agreement in the concept, but it is subject to revision & modification.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

FY2006 Budget Update - Lagomarsino made a motion to approve the TRRP staff recommendations for the additional $1.2 million and that the TRRP staff continue to improve the process by utilizing the foundations within the 2007 budget Development Process, as approved previously by the TMC. Brock seconded the motion as amended.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

Technical Work Group Proposal - Lagomarsino moved to adopt Schleusner's proposal in concept and specifically move the TMC meeting to March. The motion was seconded by Stokely. Smith: We don't need to approve every little change and the ED would retain flexibility, hence in concept.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

First Posted: 2011-07-03 16:53:53

Post Updated: 2013-08-27 19:43:05