Trinity Management Council (TMC)
2005-06-21 07:00:00
2005-06-22 07:00:00
Point of Contact:
Draft Agenda:
[128.83 KB] Agenda_TMC_2005-06-21221.pdf
Trinity Management Council, Meeting Agenda, June 21-22, 2005, Red Lion Inn, Eureka, CA
Published: -
Added: 2011-03-03 12:42:03
Updated: 2011-10-18 16:50:12.
Meeting Summary:
[202.96 KB] Minutes_TMC_2005-06-21_v21.pdf
Trinity Management Council, Meeting Minutes, June 21, 2005, Red Lion Inn, Eureka, CA
Published: -
Added: 2011-03-07 17:57:09
Updated: 2011-10-18 16:50:12.
Heywood moved to send a letter to the Secretary to appoint TAMWG members before soon, Allen seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0
Hillemeier moved the following: TMAG will send a letter to the following organizations: TRRP Fish Subgroup Klamath Task Force Klamath Technical Work Group Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team Klamath Basin Area Office (BOR) The letter invites those groups to a technical meeting to: Develop criteria for implementation of a pulse(s) flow in response to potential adult fish die-off conditions. Develop a pre- and post-flow monitoring plan in the context of AEAM. Address direct and indirect consequences. Develop a Trinity River hydrograph recommendation(s) not to exceed 20 kaf Develop a Klamath River hydrograph recommendation(s) Other? Catalog new and existing information. TMAG will report to the TMC about the results of the meeting by end of July, 2005. Orcutt seconded the motion, but he contends that this is a trust responsibility issue that the federal government should respond to ensure that there is not another adult fish-kill.
Motion PASSED 6 / 1 / 2
Pablo moved that TMC approve the 50/30/20 split, and within that, give the program discretion of how to spend the money from the spilt in the context of the 780 proposed budget, along with Hillemeier's friendly amendment to move $285k identified for Indian Creek implementation and move it to the TMAG portion of the budget, have a one day meeting with the TMAG with the technical representatives of TMC and TAMWG, and come back to the TMC for approval. Heywood upheld her seconding of the motion.
Motion status: other 5 / 2 / 0
Orcutt moved that the TMC acknowledges that $15.4M estimated in FY06 is need for full implementation of the ROD. Given that $10.6M is estimated to be available, the TMC recommends that $285k from the RIG portion of the budget be moved to TMAG portion of the budget. This is a deviation from the 50/30/20 split recommended by TRRP. Hillemeier seconded the motion. Schleusner: The $285k could come from the Hamilton ponds and a portion of the Canyon Creek project. Wittler: We been using the Hamilton Ponds as a way to say that sediment issues are being addressed, and if we had a spill we are looking at a potential hazard. There was some general discussion about the venue for saying that the President's budget is insufficient to meeting ROD goals. Allen asked where the $285k is going to come from if not from the Hamilton Ponds or the Indian Creek projects. He stated that the County does not like that this amount is not identified specifically from any portion of the budget. Orcutt responded that it would be up to the discretion of the program.
Motion status: other 4 / 3 / 0
Orcutt moves that the TMC moves to adopt the budget as presented by TRRP with the modification of shifting $285k from the "Indian Creek Project" of the RIG to the TMAG and that a one day technical meeting be convened by the TMAG to allocate 870 these funds. If consensus is not reached the TMC would convene a meeting to resolve the budget allocation further. Finally, in the event that any further funds are made available to the Program, the TMC would be also consulted as to the disposition of these funds. Hillemeier seconded the motion. Allen: The County is still uncomfortable that this motion specifically targets the Indian Creek Project.
Motion PASSED 6 / 1 / 0
Orcutt moves that the TMC has reviewed and concurs with TRRP analysis of a full ROD Program Cost Estimate. TMC supports exploring all additional sources of funding to meet full implementation costs in future fiscal years. Motion seconded by Hillemeier.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0
Hillemeier moved the following: TMAG will send a letter to the following organizations: TRRP Fish Subgroup Klamath Task Force Klamath Technical Work Group Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team Klamath Basin Area Office (BOR) The letter invites those groups to a technical meeting to: Develop criteria for implementation of a pulse(s) flow in response to potential adult fish die-off conditions. Develop a pre- and post-flow monitoring plan in the context of AEAM. Address direct and indirect consequences. Develop a Trinity River hydrograph recommendation(s) not to exceed 20 kaf Develop a Klamath River hydrograph recommendation(s) Other? Catalog new and existing information. TMAG will report to the TMC about the results of the meeting by end of July, 2005. Orcutt seconded the motion, but he contends that this is a trust responsibility issue that the federal government should respond to ensure that there is not another adult fish-kill.
Motion PASSED 6 / 1 / 2
Pablo moved that TMC approve the 50/30/20 split, and within that, give the program discretion of how to spend the money from the spilt in the context of the 780 proposed budget, along with Hillemeier's friendly amendment to move $285k identified for Indian Creek implementation and move it to the TMAG portion of the budget, have a one day meeting with the TMAG with the technical representatives of TMC and TAMWG, and come back to the TMC for approval. Heywood upheld her seconding of the motion.
Motion status: other 5 / 2 / 0
Orcutt moved that the TMC acknowledges that $15.4M estimated in FY06 is need for full implementation of the ROD. Given that $10.6M is estimated to be available, the TMC recommends that $285k from the RIG portion of the budget be moved to TMAG portion of the budget. This is a deviation from the 50/30/20 split recommended by TRRP. Hillemeier seconded the motion. Schleusner: The $285k could come from the Hamilton ponds and a portion of the Canyon Creek project. Wittler: We been using the Hamilton Ponds as a way to say that sediment issues are being addressed, and if we had a spill we are looking at a potential hazard. There was some general discussion about the venue for saying that the President's budget is insufficient to meeting ROD goals. Allen asked where the $285k is going to come from if not from the Hamilton Ponds or the Indian Creek projects. He stated that the County does not like that this amount is not identified specifically from any portion of the budget. Orcutt responded that it would be up to the discretion of the program.
Motion status: other 4 / 3 / 0
Orcutt moves that the TMC moves to adopt the budget as presented by TRRP with the modification of shifting $285k from the "Indian Creek Project" of the RIG to the TMAG and that a one day technical meeting be convened by the TMAG to allocate 870 these funds. If consensus is not reached the TMC would convene a meeting to resolve the budget allocation further. Finally, in the event that any further funds are made available to the Program, the TMC would be also consulted as to the disposition of these funds. Hillemeier seconded the motion. Allen: The County is still uncomfortable that this motion specifically targets the Indian Creek Project.
Motion PASSED 6 / 1 / 0
Orcutt moves that the TMC has reviewed and concurs with TRRP analysis of a full ROD Program Cost Estimate. TMC supports exploring all additional sources of funding to meet full implementation costs in future fiscal years. Motion seconded by Hillemeier.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0
First Posted: 2011-07-03 16:57:09
Post Updated: 2013-08-27 19:42:55