Event Details

Trinity Management Council (TMC)

Quarterly Meeting

2018-06-13 09:30:00
2018-06-14 17:00:00


Location: Eureka, Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921 Waterfront Drive

Point of Contact:


Approved Minutes:

Draft Agenda:

Meeting Materials:


Keith Groves made a motion to approve the March minutes. Tony LaBanca seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0
Dave Hillemeier made a motion that an entity that submits a proposal for the Watershed Workgroup process must only recuse themselves from ranking of their own proposal and not be present when such proposal is discussed and ranked. Tony LaBanca seconded the motion.
Motion status: other 4 / 3 / 1

Terri Simon-Jackson made a motion to obligate available FY18 funding per table "Options for obligation of surplus FY18 Funding," funding the purple first, orange and green next, as the Executive Director deems appropriate. Justin Ly seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 7 / 1 / 0

First Posted: 2018-01-18 19:28:16

Post Updated: 2020-01-30 19:52:37