Event Details

Trinity Management Council (TMC)

Quarterly Meeting

2021-03-10 09:00:00
2021-03-11 17:00:00

Description: Two-Day Regular TMC meeting including public forum.

Location: (See Agenda for call-in info)

Point of Contact: TRRP Office 530-623-1800


Approved Minutes:

Directors Reports:

Draft Agenda:



Justin Ly moved to approve the March 2021 TMC Agenda. Keith Groves seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 8 / 0 / 0
Justin Ly moved to approve the December 2020 TMC meeting notes. Nick Hetrick seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 8 / 0 / 0

Dave Hillemeier made a motion to have TRRP technical staff work on a white paper regarding winter/spring flow variability to submit to the SAB along with draft and/or final synthesis reports that support that white paper to receive their feedback. Groves seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 6 / 1 / 0

Hillemeier made a motion to open the Coordinator and Co-Coordinator positions for the IDT to all members of the IDT to be voted on an annual basis by the IDT Groves seconded the motion.
Motion failed 4 / 0 / 4

Groves made motion to accept the changes to the IDT Coordinators as presented by James Lee. Connor seconded the motion. Shoemaker made a competing motion to use a hybrid approach where one Co-Coordinator would be a member of the IDT to be voted on annually by the IDT and the other Co-Coordinator would alternate between the TRRP Branch Chiefs. Hillemeier seconded the competing motion. The competing motion failed with USFWS abstaining, and the State of California and Trinity County opposing. The original motion failed with USFWS abstaining, and Hoopa Valley, U.S. Forest Service, and Yurok opposing.
Motion failed 4 / 3 / 1

Hillemeier made a motion to adopt the Flow Work Group’s recommendation for Water Year 2021. Hetrick seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 8 / 0 / 0

Groves a made a motion to renew the discussion on the IDT Co-Coordinator at the June meeting. Sinnen seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 7 / 0 / 1

First Posted: 2021-01-22 17:37:50

Post Updated: 2021-07-15 18:00:05