Trinity Management Council (TMC)
Quarterly Meeting
2021-09-15 09:00:00
2021-09-16 17:00:00
Description: Two-Day Regular TMC meeting including public forum.
Location: (See Agenda for call-in info)
Point of Contact: TRRP Office 530-623-1800
Approved Minutes:
Sept 2021 TMC Minutes
[243.43 KB] Sept 2021 Quarterly TMC Meeting Notes APPROVED.pdf
Notes form September 2021 TMC meeting, approved on December 8, 2021
Published: -
Added: 2021-12-10 18:27:54
Updated: 2021-12-10 18:29:10.
Directors Reports:
Sept 2021 ED Report
[379.59 KB] TRRP ED Report Sept 2021.pdf
Quarterly report to the TMC from the Executive Director
Published: -
Added: 2021-09-10 17:26:07
Updated: 2021-09-10 17:28:29.
Draft Agenda:
September 2021 TMC Quarterly Agenda
[233.89 KB] Sept 15-16 TMC Agenda Draft 09102021.pdf
Note that all agendas are considered draft until the day of the meeting.
Published: -
Added: 2021-08-31 19:49:35
Updated: 2021-09-13 15:35:34.
Meeting Materials:
Refinements update slide deck
[910.99 KB] 09_16_21 TRRP Refinements Slides for TMC Meeting - Chad Smith.pptx
Presentation by Chad Smith on status of TRRP Refinements
Published: -
Added: 2021-09-10 14:11:46
Updated: 2021-09-15 14:45:34.Implementation review presentation
[23.61 MB] Implementation review for TMC 10SEP2021.pptx
A prompt for TMC discussion of how to approach a channel rehabilitation strategy
Published: -
Added: 2021-09-15 14:42:58
Updated: 2021-09-15 14:45:34.Winter Flow EA presentation
[897.24 KB] Trinity River Winter Flow Variability Presentation _ FINAL.pptx
Implementation Branch Chief presentation on analysis and public process for draft Winter Flow Variability EA
Published: -
Added: 2021-09-14 22:17:28
Updated: 2021-09-14 22:20:02.Outreach strategy presentation
[4.92 MB] Inclusiveness & approaches in program outreach _FINAL (1).pptx
Implementation Branch Chief presentation on interim FY22 outreach strategy
Published: -
Added: 2021-09-14 22:17:28
Updated: 2021-09-14 22:20:02.
Motion PASSED 8 / 0 / 0
Nick Hetrick moved to approve the June 2021 TMC Meeting Minutes. Groves seconded the motion
Motion PASSED 8 / 0 / 0
First Posted: 2021-01-22 17:51:38
Post Updated: 2021-12-10 18:29:10