Event Details

Other Events

Trinity River Public Float

2024-10-12 09:00:00
2024-10-12 14:30:00

Description: Join us for a free public float on the beautiful Trinity River, where you'll have the opportunity to learn about river functions, the conditions necessary for a healthy river, and how adaptive management practices are helping to preserve this vital ecosystem. Event Details: Date: Saturday, October 12th Time: 9:00 am – approximately 2:30 pm Location: Junction City, Trinity River Participants: Limited to 38, with priority given to first-time participants Lunch: A complimentary lunch will be provided mid-day How to Register: To reserve your spot, please contact Marla Walters at 530-623-6004 by September 27th. Space is limited, so be sure to sign up early!

Location: Trinity River in Junction City

Point of Contact: Marla Walters at 530-623-6004 by September 27th


  • Published: -
    Added: 2024-09-12 19:09:49
    Updated: 2024-09-12 19:09:45.

  • First Posted: 2024-09-12 19:09:49

    Post Updated: 2024-09-12 19:09:45