Event Details

Trinity Management Council (TMC)


2012-03-28 16:30:00
2012-03-28 07:00:00


Location: Weaverville Library

Point of Contact:


Approved Minutes:

Directors Reports:

Draft Agenda:

Meeting Materials:


Bill Brock made a motion to adopt the scope of work for the watershed assessment. The Program Office will prepare a purchase request for a competitive bid. The language of the scope of work would keep the original language of aquatic habitat and ecosystem function. The final decision on the award would be conditional pending approval by the TMC. Ann Garrett seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0
Dave Hillemeier made a motion that the TMC adopt the flow regimes as recommended by the Flow Workgroup to follow the ROD recommended flows for a Dry year or a Critically Dry year. Roger Jaegel seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

Mike Orcutt made a motion that the TMC advise the Secretary of the Interior to see that water be made available from Trinity and or Klamath to avert 2012 fish kill as needed. The motion was seconded by Dave Hillemeier.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

First Posted: 2012-07-13 16:03:02

Post Updated: 2013-08-27 17:07:12