Event Details

Trinity Management Council (TMC)


2014-06-18 16:00:00
2014-06-19 12:00:00

Description: Tsewendaldin Inn Conference Room, Hoopa, CA (625-4294)

Location: Hoopa, CA

Point of Contact:


Approved Minutes:

Directors Reports:

Draft Agenda:

Meeting Materials:


Dave Hillemeier made a motion that the TMC understands that the Office of the Solicitor considers some types of stream restoration involving construction activities is beyond the authority of the Trinity River Restoration Program. Bill Brock seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0
Ann Garrett made a motion that the Interior agencies proceed with the hiring of the two positions of fisheries biologist and physical scientist. Teresa Connor seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 7 / 1 / 0

George Kautsky made a motion that the TMC advise the TRH Governance Board of its intention to implement restoration actions in the Lewiston Dam reach. The TMC encourages the Board to provide insights as to the impact of TMC anticipated actions upon TRH mitigation responsibilities. The TMC welcomes Governance Board recommendations of complementary hatchery management actions. Dave Hillemeier seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

Ann Garrett made a motion that the TMC approve the development of a large wood management strategy. Judy Pflueger seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

Joe Pollos made a motion to approve the Watershed Groups proposal for 2015 up to the $500,000 level, but to remove Lower Sydney Gulch and include the remainder of the projects. Judy Pflueger seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

George Kautsky made a motion the TMC recommend design and construction of an alternative facility at Trinity River Diversion to prepare for climate shifts. The next steps would be to engage with appropriate staff and partner agencies. Immediate actions are included in technical memorandum 5.0 NO SECOND-FAILED
Motion status: other 0 / 0 / 0

George Kautsky made a motion that the TMC is aware that we are facing severe drought conditions in the Klamath-Trinity Basin, and there exists a high likelihood that supplemental releases into the Lower Klamath River may be needed to protect against a fish kill such as occurred in 2002. We request that Reclamation engage with our scientists to commence planning for releases in accordance with criteria developed in recent years through joint efforts in KBAO and NCAO. Dave Hillemeier seconded the motion.
Motion PASSED 6 / 0 / 2

First Posted: 2013-12-12 09:34:48

Post Updated: 2014-12-30 22:09:48