Trinity River: Current Conditions
River flows continue to be released from Lewiston Dam at the summer base flow of 450 cubic feet per second. Upper and lower river temperatures have continued to trend lower than 2022 and remain “optimal” (50F-65F) for spring salmonids holding in the river. Numbers of fish trapped in the JC weir have gone on a downward trend indicating that spring run steelhead and salmon are working their way up river and the fall run are holding.
River enthusiasts will see a rise in flows due to tribal trust agreements between the Hoopa Valley Tribe and the Bureau of Reclamation. Beginning Aug. 18 flows will gradually increase from the summer base flow of 450 cfs and are expected to reach a peak flow of 2,000 cfs on Aug. 20 before gradually returning to summer base flows later in the week. The Bureau’s official press release can be found here.
The Restoration Program continues work with partners at Oregon Gulch, north of Junction City. The project has moved into phase II which calls for channel reconstruction and in-river work. Trained technicians are on site monitoring turbidity to permitted levels. Anglers and river enthusiasts should expect moderately turbid waters downstream of the site. If traveling on the river, please follow signage as navigation pathways may have changed.

Monitoring of fish health continues throughout the summer at the Junction City weir by several partner agencies. As of August 2, temperatures were recorded between 59F and 62F (in range for optimal temps). Fish trapped at the weir are still showing evidence of past gill infections, however they are “less than trace or healed” and seasonally the infection rate is holding in the 20% range. This is still higher than years past and the fish health alert will be held to a “yellow” cautionary level.
Trinity R a Lewiston CA – USGS Water Data for the Nation
Trinity R a Douglas City CA – USGS Water Data for the Nation
Trinity R AB NF Trinity R NR Helena CA – USGS Water Data for the Nation
Trinity R a Hoopa CA – USGS Water Data for the Nation
Current river flow gauges can be found on our homepage, click here and scroll to the middle of the page.